What can a person do about 18 days of homelessness

Alright. From july 31st until August 18th I will not have an apartment because my lease on this one expires july 31st and the new apartment starts August 18th. So what do I do in those 18 days? I have some ideas

  1. Move back with family. Can’t do this as I have responsibilities here in Bloomington and I can’t leave

  2. Move in with friends. I could try this but I don’t really have ‘friends’ I can move in with for 2.5 weeks, all my friends here are lukewarm aquantances. I’m moving in with a friend in my new apartment and he knows people, so we could probably move in with one of his friends for 2.5 weeks

  3. Find an apartment that rents by the month or (preferably) by the week. How do I do this though? I typed in the world ‘bloomington weekly rental’ and all I get are vacation sites that charge $900/week. I want a shitty room that is only $110/week. What keywords should I use.

  4. Obligatory ‘live in a van down by the river’ reference.

  5. Go camping. This could be fun, hoosier national forest is 20 miles from town and you can camp for 14 days in a row. That’d be pretty cool I think.

About Weekly rates…

Having been in this position before, I’d say your best bet is to ask around at some of the local hotels/motels and the like, to see if they have weekly rental ‘economy’ or ‘efficiency’ rooms. At the very least, a few tries will net you someone who at least knows where to find a room like that.

Around these parts, we have a place called Residence Inn that rents daily, weekly, and monthly. It’s a hotel room, but it has a living room area and kitchen.

Is there anything like that by you?

Not ideal, but rather than living with one person for 18 days, could you rotate amongst several people, a few days at at a place at a time?

Look for cheap motels or ones that say they’re “extended stay” if you want to find weekly/monthly rates.

Or try sublet.com - this link should give you the Bloomington area ones, though there aren’t any for the time period you want right now.

Check classified ads in the newspapers for people who just want to rent an apartment/room out for a month. Maybe place your own ad saying you’re looking.

Thank your deity of choice it’s not winter.

What about your friend you’re moving into the new place with? Could you just stay with him in the meantime, wherever he is?

His lease ends july 31st as well.

if not with friends, why not with strangers?. Many students over the summer are living in half-empty apts while their roommate is gone till August. Post notices around the campus offering to pay rent to anybody who will give you the unused room for 18 days.

I’d be all over the “go camping.” I’m hoping to do a mini-tour of duty myself around the end of July/beginning of August: first Western New York, then French Lick, and then Bloomington. It all hinges on getting my baby off the bottle and onto nursing.

It’s a great time of year to go camping, that’s for sure. And there are some beautiful campgrounds in and near Bloomington. I say go for it and enjoy yourself while you can!

Here are some places in your area where you might be able to rent a camper for a few weeks. Most advertise sales, but they usually offer rentals, or know where to call.

Could be kind of fun to rent a camper for a couple weeks and park it in, or near, a state park!

The temps will be in the 80s so I wont really need a camper per se. But with the money i’d save on rent I could buy some good camping equiptment (solar shower, propane stove, etc)

Well, growing up in the Midwest, we used to go camping as a family and every year up a notch…from tent on trailer, to trailer to larger trailer, to hugeass trailer with shower/stove air conditioning…etc.

And though it will be warm (and I assume, humid), a little camper is nice to keep out the bugs, plug in a fan, plug in a laptop, plug in a small fridge with 9 cases of beer, and rough it, but not too rough.

But if you are happy with a tent and a mattress, go for it. Bet ya $5 next time you splurge and go a step up, and then a step up and…you get the idea.

But camping really does sound both practical, and a lot of fun, no matter how you do it!

A cheap solution is to get a trial gym membership for showering, and sleep in your car parked in the parking lot of the nearest church.

Me and some friends camped out at KOA at Wilmington, NC for a week and a half, no problem. We brought our own tents, but you could also rent a cabin. There’s no KOA in Bloomington, but there are in Springfield, Kankakee, and LaSalle.

I have a gym membership with showers, but my car is a small truck, I can’t sleep in it. I ‘could’ sleep in the bed of the truck, but its a ford ranger splash and has a tiny bed. But its an idea to look at. I think it’d be cool to live in my car, I live in a reasonably safe town so i’m not too worried about being attacked. Arrested perhaps, but not attacked.

Now there’s an idea, get yourself arrested! Three hots and a cot, what more could you ask for?

Actually, I’ve always wanted to be arrested for something (minor, of course). The closest I got was get cuffed and put in the back of a cop car when I was a skateboading punk at age 16. They gave us a ‘stern warning’ about detroying public property, called our parents and drove us home.

Alas, it’s too late to try and get arrested. I’m pretty sure that any medical school would frown on that sort of thing…

Have you discussed this with your current landlord? Any chance they would let you stay an extra 18 days without a lease? It doesn’t hurt to ask.

Trust me on this one, you don’t want to be arrested.

Oooh go camping!