To the stupid little cunt behind the counter at the movie theater

Look, I understand that customer service has gone the way of the buffalo, so I just assume that I’m going to interact with someone who doesn’t give a shit about her job or my happiness, but you went the extra mile in instigating this situation.

I was with my wife, and when she pulled out her check card to pay for our tickets, you said, accusingly, “You’re going to make HER pay for you?”

Look, I’m one for casual teasing and joking around in retail situations; it humanizes the transaction and lightens the situation. But then I realized that you weren’t being friendly or joking around - you had a sort of sneer, a truly accusatory air about the whole thing. This was confirmed when, after I tried to joking play it off with a wink and a retort, you turned to my wife and said, “I wouldn’t be with a guy who made me pay for his ticket.”


I started to get really pissed and confrontational with you, but my wife - a graceful, humble creature if ever there was one - begged me to just let it go so that we could go on enjoying our evening. But I couldn’t - I sat in the theater, heart palpitating, fists clenched, pondering the countless ways I should have eviscerated you for what you did.

So, you stupid little piece of shit, count your lucky stars. I should have at least demanded your manager and an apology, if not your job. I wanted to punch you as I hard as I could in your smirking little face. I wanted to wait behind the theater for when you got off of work and ambush you, dragging you behind a dumpster and going to work with a meat cleaver. And if you think I’ve got anger management problems, you should meet some of the real sick fucks out there, waiting for the tiniest little reason like this to snap. If I’m lucky, one of them will be the next customer that you decide to smart off to.

I’m surprised you didn’t have your wife beat her up for you.

It would have been perfect if your wife had looked over at you and said “You better put out tonight, honey.”

Could be worse…one particular episode of Married…With Children comes to mind.

Actually, it would’ve been fun if you’d said, “Well, I see right now that you’re not with a guy.”

Why didn’t you complain? Call the manager tomorrow afternoon and explain the situation, her actions were totally uncalled for.

Interesting rant, Miss.

Recently I accused someone of overreacting in the Pit and got chastised because the Pit is for venting but for fuck sake. Grow up and grow a pair.

You’re right the snotty little bitch was out of line. My first question is what the hell difference does it make what that little know nothing shit thinks. Instead of telling her what you told us, the money comes out of our joint account genius, or better yet, telling her that it wasn’t her place to make snotty personal comments to customers and calling the manager, you fume at the theater and then come back to vent in the Pit.

Yeah, she’s a snotty little bitch, and you’re a weenie.

Jeez Louise people get riled up over the smallest things.

Overreact much? Goodness. It’s a mindless twit that makes $1.00 an hour to hand you popcorn and a soda. She’s not worth a second thought and you essentially wasted an entire evening with your wife being so pissed that you couldn’t see straight. So, I must ask. Was it worth it?

What the hell?

The guy was treated unspeakably rudely. Some stupid little twat with no concept of how modern relationships work after the courtship period (or even during, for some folk) intimated that he wasn’t a fit romantic partner. Out loud. To customers.

That’s no small thing. Sure, her opinion was rooted in a stupidity so profound that it is unlikelly to be taken seriously by anyone without a drool-cup, and in that sense ought to be discounted as a matter of course, but the rudeness is not something that should be overlooked.

Personally, I’d make damned sure she got fired for that.

On the other hand, it’s probably a safe bet that she’ll have a series of relationships that end with her being dumped, so it might be possible to simply gain satisfaction through that.

Unspeakably rudely?? Puh,leeze It’s annoying yes, but it is a minor thing.

Sure tell her off, tell a manager. Thats what I suggested. But don’t just stew over it only to blow it out of proportion later. That’s what is weenie.

If you let someone get under your skin way more than they should then that’s your failure.

BTW, once you complain to the manager it’s not up to you what the reprimand should be. She might be fired or she might just be told to never do anything like that again.

Unspeakably rude? Don’t you think that is just exaggerating a smidgen?

I mean sure some minimum wage ticket monkey made a rude comment and it was inappropiate of her to do so but its not something to get so upset about. I mean shoot read the OP, you would think that the ticket monkey had an over his dog, shit on his mother’s grave and nailed his daughter.

Overreaction? No…

Of course you might want to consider therapy when this happens:

Or when you fantasize about:

And this might be a red flag:

Whoah! no not me, never even crossed my mind…heh…I’m just thinking good thoughts…

You know, I’m always comforted by that sentiment: “I’m completely sane, but some other “crazy” people at this very moment might be imagining ripping your black worthless heart from your chest cavity and chewing it to hamburger while it still beats. Lucky for you though I’m perfectly normal.”

Ding ding ding! Wishing death on someone (I think).
Seriously dude, all she did was question your masculinity in public. A snappy comeback would have done ya.

What’s with all these “Overreaction!” comments in the Pit lately? Isn’t that why it’s, you know, THE PIT?

Yup if you’re going to absurdly overreact, this is the place to do it. But I wouldn’t expect it to go unnoticed.

I’ve taken a lot of shit in my life, but public condemnation, even if by a clearly classless individual, is way over the line. Somebody doing that to me would ruin my evening just like that for sure.

While I think the ticket person was rude, I don’t think it was on par with poisoning my dog. If it would have happened to me, I would have used it for a come back response and forgotten about it.

I agree it was rude, stupid and I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy your evening.

I think you went over the top on your post - your comments got ugly towards the end.

How about a competition for best snappy comeback? Here are a couple of efforts:

“I wouldn’t be with a guy who made me pay for his ticket.”
[Incredulous tone ON] "Who’d want to spend money on you?"

“I wouldn’t be with a guy who made me pay for his ticket.”
[Sarcastic tone ON] "I don’t expect you could afford to buy a ticket. Why didn’t you study harder and get a decent job?"

“I wouldn’t be with a guy who made me pay for his ticket.”
[Serious tone ON] "Could you get the manager now please. I’d like him to hear how you treat customers."


I was once in a restuarant with my husband, and at the counter, I reached into my wallet to pay for our little lunch, since I had cash on me and I told my husband not to use his debit card. The woman at the counter raised her eyebrows and said, “So, you’ll be paying for this today, ma’am?” My husband smirked and looked the other way while I said to her, “Oh, you don’t understand - he makes the money, I spend it!” She turned red and never said another word. My husband thanked me for that one later.
I was telling the truth, after all. I don’t even have a job. There are a lot of nosy people in the world, don’t let them get to you. My ex had a saying that I like very much: “People who don’t love me can’t hurt me.” That idiot at the counter doesn’t know you from a hole in the ground. Letting her get to you is pretending she’s significant. If it bothered you that bad, by all means, like others have suggested, call the manager and complain.

Yet somehow it’s okay for me to spend my husband’s money, but if it were him spending mine? Sheesh.

And because it’s the Pit don’t we get to express an honest “grow the fuck up” when we feel it’s appropriate. I realize people need to vent over certain things but get a grip. I’ve been know to overreact. I hope someone has the sense to slap it out of me omstead of encouraging me to continue being an ass making a mt. out off a mole hill.