Blood in my poop. Should I be concerned?

Ok, this is gross but nobody knows me so why be embarised.
… MY poop looks normal but whats with the blood? Its bright red and I get about a half a cup of it per dump.
Has happend 3 times in a row now over 2 days. But I feel great! 100% I thought at first it must be some strawberrys i ate but dont think that anymore. Im 25.
What could happen? Any poop doctors out there? And by the way, Im not going to a doctor who is going to stick fingers in places and prod around. In fact Im not going toa doctor at all.

Ok, fresh, bright red blood in the toilet bowl and on the stool is a classical sign of haemmorrhoids (piles).

Any PR bleeding needs investigation to outrule a rectal or colonic tumour, or an altrnative cause of bleeding. A low-lying tumour can easily mimic piles.

Don’t let modesty get the better of you. Get to a doctor, they’ve seen and heard it all before and know what they’re doing.

If you’ve had blood in your stool for over 2 days you should see a doctor ASAP!

Definitely ass cancer.

Oh wait, I’m just an unqualified boob on the internet. Even if I were completely schooled in proctology and gastroenterology the only useful thing that I could tell you is the same thing that any unqualified boob on the internet could tell you:

Go see a doctor. Immediately.

But you’re asking us to metaphorically stick our fingers in and prod around instead? :smiley:
It could be anything. It’s your internal organs and they’re bleeding - go to the friendly neighbourhood doctor! These dudes spent six years cutting up dead people! They won’t care if they see your bum!

Indeed, the discomfort of suffering some form of tumour in your body could never be as bad as having a medical practicioner poke you briefly and give you the all clear :rolleyes:

Always see your doctor, if you’re losing half a cup of blood everytime you take a dump, how can you not think something is quite wrong? :confused: I was much happier letting a doctor (a man) examine the end of my penis, diagnose thrush and give me a prescription for some cream for it than sit in the shower and hope the discharge and discolouration would simply fade away with washing…

A a totally unqualifed and anonymous random guy on a message board, I diagnose leprosy of the ass. Start ringing a bell.

Or see a doctor. Your choice.

Medical threads which deal with any kind of problem that could be serious are not allowed on the board.

Consult a real doctor.

Closed. samclem GQ moderator