Second-hand cat tree - what (if anything) do I need to do to make it safe?

I just got a great deal on a really nice cat tree at Goodwill this weekend (carpeted, three-level, very sturdy). Only thing is, I’m an overprotective parent with five cats (including three kittens) and I’m afraid that if I don’t do something with it before I take it in the house, they might catch something from it. I’ve heard some diseases linger on for quite a while, so I don’t want to take any chances.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might make it safe in the shortest amount of time? Unfortunately I can’t leave it out in the sun for several days to kill any beasties, since I’m not sure it’ll be sunny for several days and I don’t want it to get soaked.

Do I need to worry about potential fleas too?

Thanks in advance!

Do you have access to a blacklight? The first thing I thought of was ringworm - it can live on carpet for a long time, is very contagious and is difficult to treat. It will glow under a blacklight. As for fleas, I would vacumn it thoroughly before I took it into the house.

Hadn’t even thought of that. Thanks! I think we might have a black light–if not, we can get one. What does ringworm look like? If I find it, what do I do to get rid of it?

I hear cat pee also glows under a blacklight. You may well encounter some of that.

If you’re really protective, get carpet cleaner, even a whole carpet shampooer, and clean it. That’s about the best you can do to clean carpet. It’s what would have been done if you moved into an apartment with carpet.

its like sitting on a public bathroom seat… you might get some deadly disease and have it eat up your booty… come on, cats getting sick from toys, you got too much time on your hands. i have my cat but havent stooped to the level of paranoia. if your that concerned buy a new thing or a brain. you can vacuum it, thats about it.

Thanks for that ever-so-helpful comment. :rolleyes: And clearly that’s not “about it,” since some of the other posters have offered better suggestions.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to be careful. I love my cats and I’m responsible for their safety.