Egyptian heiroglyphs show spacecraft?


That first one sure does look like a helicopter :eek:!

The other two are so-so, and you’ll laught at the pics of the Millenium Falcon and some other movie they put there, but still- what are some other things these images could stand for? I know there are infinite possibilities, and no one will know for sure, but if you know heiroglyphics you may be able to explain them in some way.

And what do you make of the theories about Atlantis and India fighting w/ spacecrafts and atomic bombs? Explain away some of the article’s claims, if you can.

The picture looks to me like a frame from a video, or like someone edited the pictures, like that 80s author, and the mayan “spacecrafts.” :rolleyes:

If those are real pictures, from a real temple, why don’t they identify which temple it is? There are several at Abydos.

I think most people wouldn’t look at the “glider” or “submarine” and guess that’s what it was without the photograph sitting next to it. I thought the “submarine” looked more like a ballpoint pen, myself.

Asking “what else they could represent”, I guess anything. I don’t know much about heiroglyphs but from what little I know, abstract concepts lended themselves to abstract pictures. If it’s a picture of a gazelle, you can guess it may have meant “gazelle” but how do you draw a pictograph of taxation or property or nervousness or extended drivetrain warranties? An abstract, vaguely glider shaped blob could represent anything.

I should also remark that the meaning of those particular hieroglyphs would probably be a lot clearer with the context of whatever’s surrounding them. Showing a helicopter looking thingie and saying “what does this mean?” isn’t as helpful as translating “In the ninth year, the temple collected five (helicopter thingie) of grain from the farmers”. The site seems a lot more interested in just showing how much it looks like a helicopter.

I think that the idea of perspective drawing makes us visualize these heiroglyphs differently than an Ancient Egyptian would. To me, the symbols look like sarcophagi, each with some sort of modification or defacement that to modern eyes admittedly look like perspective drawings of airplane wings, helicopter rotors, etc.

And yeah, the vimana thing is actually a part of some of the Vedic-period writings, though exactly what it referred to is highly debatable. (The “Rama Empire” is a major extrapolation from the Indus Valley civilization, by the way.)

However, there is, I think, no evidence to demonstrate that there was any intercourse whatsoever between New Kingdom Egypt and the Indus Valley Civilization, and very sparse connections to the Anatolian (Hittite) and Mesopotamian (Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian) cultures.

Also, the thing in upper right of the second panel looks to me less like a zeppelin or cigar-shaped UFO than it does like a bassoon, an ear of (maize-type) corn with something stuck into it, a golf bag, or a bong.

The thing in the upper right is obviously a pen cap, complete with the metal clip that holds it in your top pocket. Beneath that is an image of Thunderbird 2 dropping a pod. Clever chaps, those Egyptians, not only did they foresee 20th century inventions, they also predicted the TV shows.

I am EXTREMELY sceptical that those are real hierglyphs. I’ve never seen any that looked like those before. I would ask my Egyptologist friend to confirm, but I’m pretty sure she’d laugh at me.

I think the hoaxers thought they were being clever mixing in true heiroglyphs with those they concocted. But they stand out like a sore thumb. Subtlety people!

And speaking of vimana. How recent is the concept of gravity. Why would ancient civilizations be concerned with defeating gravity if the world is just flat and of course things fall down just because they’re supposed to?
I know, I know, if they could defeat gravity they must have known about it in the first place. :smack:

I found a few sites that said that these images aren’t completely a hoax, although the picture linked to here has been retouched so that it’s a little harder to tell what’s going on. Apparently, these images are in a place where stone carvings in a wall were filled in with plaster and re-carved. The plaster has fallen off in some places, causing weird mergers between the earlier carvings and the later carvings that were never intended to look the way they do now.

Here’s a site that puts the pictures in context and has some discussion from experts. I found more by Googling hieroglyph helicopter.

Where Oh Where is the SDMB expert Egyptologist or the expert on heiroglyphics to set the record straight?

Spacemen built the pyramids.
There was NO halocoust.
The N.Vietnamese did not torture US captives.

Better informed discussion of the symbols here

It’s a real image, its not faked. Its actually several different symbols superimposed.