Excel question - displaying a plus sign

I want Microsoft Excel to display a plus sign in front of positive numbers, but still be able to deal with the numbers as numbers. Now, if I enter “+2” in a cell, Excel changes it to “2”, and the only way to change that is to tell Excel to treat it as text rather than as a number, and then it can’t perform calculations (such as simple sums) using that number.

Is there a way to retain the number status while displaying the plus sign?

I will notify my dad TheSurb He’s an Excel Master

You can choose Format Cells/Custom choose say #,###.## and change the to a +. Works for me in 97. Can perform mathematical operations with it.

But this means the plus is always present, even when I enter a negative number. I need to be able to enter +1, -1 or 0 (including numbers other than 1, of course).

I use Office2000. Works perfectly there as well.

Just one clarifier, the built-in custom functions always have a positive and negative verison. For example:

In these cases replace the first (positive) ‘' with a '+' and delete the second (negative) '’ altogether.

I use Office2000. Works perfectly there as well.

Just one clarifier, the built-in custom functions always have a positive and negative verison. For example:

In these cases replace the first (positive) ‘' with a '+' and delete the second (negative) '’ altogether.

Caught this on preview.
This is what I was referring to above. Just delete the second ‘$’ sign. That way positive numbers are prefaced with a "+’ and negative numbers are treated normally, meaning they will be prefaced with a ‘-’ .

Your custom format should look like this:

Put an apostrophe (’) before the function, as in '+2. When you move on to the next cell, the apostrophe will disappear, leaving behind +2.

IIRC the apostrophe makes the cell contents into a ‘value’, essentially converting it to text. That then makes it impossible to use formulae or perform calculations with the cells.

:smack: I didn’t read the OP carefully enough. Saw the title, then skipped straight to the last line.

Works like a charm, Blake. Thanks a bunch.