Sunglasses to keep my laser eyes in check!!

Does anyone know if they are or will be selling those sunglasses worn by Cyclops in the film X-Men? I want a pair of those!! Not the huge head gear one, but the smaller ones with the red lenses. I would pay for those!!
I waited forever for the cool phones from Matrix to come out, but they never did… I hope someone starts selling these glasses.

Are thesethe sunglasses you are talking about? Kinda cool… don’t know where to get them though.

X Men glasses
These are the Oakley glasses from the movie. I think so anyhow. They cost quite a few bucks, so be ready for some sticker shock. (Hint: More than I paid for my monitor.)

But, check out the site there is plenty of overpriced glasses there, some that are cheaper then the X-Men ones.
pat “Wearer of Dime Store sunglasses”

Yep!!! Now if I can only find an online store that sells those glasses and some Levi’s 567 jeans, I can go out looking as sassy as I feel!!

Thanks for the visual aide!

It sucks they only have them in one color. Blue or Silver would kick ass.

pricciar Thanks!! $400 Holy Crap!!! I will start saving now!

It seems they are also selling the big head gear visor thing too.

ATTN: oldscratch
I was just checking out that site.,1676,49-MA-1-16-101,00.html

They have them in both blue and silver!!

Circuit City has cell phones that are quite a bit like the matrix phone, its the Nokia 8860, silver slide down face, I dont remeber how much it is, but its a start.

I think I know what you are talking about. But if I am not mistaken, they do not automatically open up with a touch the button like the ones on Matrix. Is that correct?

They sell the Matrix phones in Japan. It’s the 8110, I believe.

And I’m going to have to kill my Grandmother and rob her dead body so I can buy those damn sunglasses. Those are so cool.


Bear, I really don’t want to be mean, 'cause I like you, but instead of spending $400 on a pair of freakin $40 sunglasses, have you considered getting, oh say, a LIFE?!?
Sure, when I found a pair of rayban “MIB” sunglasses, I snapped them up, but only as they were on BIG sale (ie $40).

But $400! Hmmm let me put that another way- that is 20 lapdances. 50 sixpacks. A new gun.

400 bucks is about half a gun in my book :slight_smile:

And “NO” I am not going to spend 400 on dun glasses!

But, still, I do really want them. I will find a deal eventually. Given what shades are costing nowadays, I would pay 150 for them. I spent 100 on my last pair. I do not think that is too ridiculous since there is a LIFETIME warranty on Oakleys. Even if you run them over with you car and it is all your fault, they will send you new ones.

And I need a life? :slight_smile: J/K…

Trust me, I will not be spending 4 bills on shades, even if they are made with X-metal…

Isn’t there some reason those phones can’t be used here. I thought I heard that they were illegal because they were too powerful, or something to do with the circutry they used. I’m probably messing it up. Anyone know.

And back to the X-men sunglasses. $400 bucks! Holy crap, I wouldn’t spend that much on Cyclops sunglasses. Maybe for Geordie La Forge’s visor, but not for those. :smiley:

Isnt it obvious? The agents don’t want us communicating with Zion.

From the home of Nokia,

There is a model of the Banana phone available that has the quick release mouthpiece triggered by a button on the back…but they break so easily its not funny.

Far sexier is the 7110 Wap model which has a far superior spring action that gives a real attention crabbing SNAP when you flick it.

I just checked my Edmund Scientific Catalof. Laser goggles – the kind that will actually stop laser light (so they must be the kind Cy is wearing) run a whopping $174 to $335! And they have no fashion sense at all!You might as wear steel-toed boots to La Scala.

So there’s your choice – look good and burn down the house, or wear good orthopedic glasses and look like a clod. Or visit the Bargain Bin and do neither, but you can afford it.

Holy shit, Bear. $100+ on shades?! My first pair of Ray Bans lasted me about six weeks on duty before they were busted. They were on the floor of the cruiser when I racked up the shotgun, yup, crunch.

Now I just go to Wal Mart and spend about $10-15, that way when they break (like they eventually will in police work) you don’t have to go into a prolonged mourning period over a set of expensive Oakleys or whatever. :smiley:

I hope Tampa PD gives you a generous equipment allowance, our department doesn’t.

Sort of off topic, and well, going to make me sound geekish but…
Cyclops’s (Cyclops’? How do you do a possessive for something ending in “s”, I can never remember) ANYHOW his power is actually force beams that shoot from his eyes, not lasers. And as everyone knows, Rubies can stop force beams (ok, well, everyone who reads X-Men) so that’s actually what the lenses in his eyewear is made of. I know, force beams make no more/less sense than lasers, but I am just going for accuracy here.

bear: do you not realize when you leg is being pulled? For cop work, get gargoyles. They use a “bulletproof” plastic (in that thickness, it won’t stop a real bullet, but it will stop other crap). The Army has approved them, also.

$400 should get you eight lapdances. Twenty for a lap dance is way too little, especially considering how much she has to give back to the house. $50, at least.