Ask the guy whose seen almost all of the James Bond movies.

I’ve always been a big 007 fan, but the current “008 Days of 007” on Spike TV marathon has reinvigorated me. I have been watching some old favorites, and have now seen them all except for Moonraker and Never Say Never Again, which doesn’t count. And I don’t think I’m missing much with Moonraker.

Go ahead, ask me!

Do you believe you were born a guy who would someday see almost all the James Bond movies, or did you make a conscious choice to become a guy who has seen almost all the James Bond movies? Also, what’s your view on people who have seen almost all the James Bond movies marrying?

Okay, also, Oddjob vs. Jaws: who wins?

Bond fans, like Pushkinists, must study almost from birth, otherwise they will never be able to adequately appreciate or understand the intricacies.

Provided one of the partners does not find Timothy Dalton to be a good Bond, I don’t see any reason to oppose such a union.

Oddjob. Unless Jaws catches the hat in his teeth. Although Oddjob could still crush his head like a golfball.

What’s your favorite Sean Connery Bond film?

Never Say Never Again doesn’t count???

Then you’re just into Broccoli, not Bond. :wink:

Thunderball was good, no need for a remake. :wink:

Pretty tough choice between Thunderball and Dr. No.

I find Thunderball to be the weakest of the Connery Bonds. It hasn’t aged well and the endless SCUBA scenes are hard to watch. It is also to tell which character is which underwater.

Moonraker was OK.

Here is a link to discussions of each individual Bond film.

I find it to be excellent and highly enjoy the underwater scenes.

I agree. My abiding memory of *Thunderball * is those interminable underwater scenes where everyone looks the same.

It is not necessary to tell them apart. Except for Bond and Largos, everyone is either a faceless Orange or Black footsoldier, good and bad respectively, and the colors tell you all you need to know about what is going on. Their homogeneous nature is also part of the plot, as Bond uses a black divesuit to sneak in with Largos’ men before the big battle.

Have you discovered a pattern? You know, at xx minutes, yy will happen?

Which bond film(s) do you find almost embarassing to watch?

For me it’s a tie between Moonraker, Never Say Never Again and Diamonds Are Forever. Both have wooden and talentless Bond girls* and both are horribly “seventies.” Connery showed bad judgement by coming back twice and Roger Moore is just too foppish and blow-dried for me.

*Though JstJ is decent eye candy she can’t act her way out of a paper bag.

Which film are you suprised you like?

For me it’s For Your Eyes Only, because it has interesting characters and a love interest who is beautiful, smart, strong and resourceful. It almost makes up for having Roger Moore in the lead.

Ditto on For Your Eyes Only

My least favorite would probably be A View to Kill. I just never thought much of that one. And I concur regarding the eye-candiness of Jill St. John.

Of course, many of the films share the same plot outline and predictable events, but I’ve never narrowed it down to the minute.

As in the analysis by Umberto Eco (wearing his lit-crit hat)? As in when he observed that Bond always mates in seven moves or less?


What’s your biggest “WTF???” moment of all the films?

As a programmer, the scene in The World Is Not Enough with the big screen display at the oil company HQ tracking JB, then simulating an explosion with concentric circles was funny. I imagine the requirements meeting coming up with that feature… :dubious:

The scene in Tomorrow Never Dies where James and Girl™ are trapped in a square, and a helicopter comes down, tilts forward, and then slowly chops through the square make me wonder if anyone on the shoot passed Physics 10. :smack: Totally blew through my store of suspension of disbelief for the whole month.

OMG! I was just complaining about that to one of my friends this morning. That drives me insane. I’d like to see the specs on the sensors that seem to be both in the oil pipe itself, and able to survive the explosion. I’m very impressed with them.

I’ll have to disagree with you about Diamonds are Forever. It isn’t the best of the Connery Bonds, but it is well above Moonraker and far above Never.

People always knock old Dalton, but I liked him, certainly compared to the likes of Lazenby! I think he’s more convincing as a spy/tough guy. A big part of it is probably just because The Living Daylights is a classic Bond movie.

Just thought I’d cast my unpopular opinion there…waiting for someone to tell me I’m wrong now!