The goofy insult thread.

Disclaimer: This thread should contain no malicious intent towards any other poster here; however, if it is done in fun with no harm involved then it is ok. Mods, if it gets steamy close it down. I don’t want this thread to turn into a nasty fight.

You bunch of weiners!


booger eaters!

Go hug a tree you…you…REPUBLICAN.

At least it wasn’t turd breath, John. :slight_smile:

Keep it coming you Venusians.


Is that a peanut in your pocket, or are you just sad to see me?

Oh yeah! Well…You look funny! And you smell like elderberries!

He or she has the brains of a small soap dish.

Of his or her physiogomy, because it occupies a space on the front of his or her head, it must therefore be considered a face.

There are none better than William…

You are not worth another word, else I’d call you knave

You big bunch of…Doodie-Heads!!!

Every single Doper is a poo head.
Can’t get through the kitchen door…

And if you think you can get me with your infantile barbs…I’m rubber and you’re glue.

Yer all ugly and yer mommies dress ya funny and ya got bad breath and nobody like ya. so NYAH!

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person!

[You’re] two-thirds of a Rice Krispie treat. [You’ve] already snapped, and crackled, and [you’re] ready for the final pop.

You pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-face, dickhead, asshole.

To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I’ve known sheep who could outwit you. I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs.

He’s so dumb… he thought that the Gettysburg Address was where Lincoln lived.

What an interseting space this is! You live in a clocktower! Did your mother live in a shoe?

What’s the matter…, wake up on the wrong side of the bedpan?

I’m sorry your mother looks like a weasel.

When they shot Bambi’s mother, did you find that a sad moment… at all?

You must admit she is rather mannish. Really, if that is a woman she must have been beaten with an ugly stick.

Please don’t post things like AWB did. Those are just mean. I want goofy insults not mean-spirited ones.


Well some of them were goofy, but they were mostly mean. Sorry for the second post. The spirit of this thread is to remain lighthearted and nice.

Now, put your ding dong away and let the flappadoodlin’ start again.


PS. I know they were from the movies AWB, don’t take offense.

Sq-rl, Demo stole my insult. He’s a big poopybrain.

Well fine, you dingledorf!

Hey–you’re pretty. . . . pretty ugly!!

Now I want to SCREAM to myself.
STUPID, STUPID you, and here you thought you come up with something clever.
Go and hide yourself somewhere.
You’re nothing,okey.
Thanks to my self…:wink:

What’s wrong with elderberries you booger eatin morons! I use elderberries and seedless black grapes to make wine and it’s the most awesome wine in the world you snot suckers. :slight_smile: I just started a batch this weekend and when my wine’s ready, you doo doo faced, turd eatin, fart smelling putz’s aren’t going to have any! Nanny nanny boo boo!

Phbbt! :: sticks out tongue and runs away ::

<< hope that wasn’t too mean >> :smiley:

Butt with anything, i.e.
Butt Boy
Jerk Butt
Butt Head
Juss Butt (insert dimunutive of name for first word)