My mom loves me enough to tell me, "Hide the child porn"

–or, “Ever receive advice so far out of left field that your brain has absolutely no clue how to process it?”

I’ve had some computer difficulties recently. Turns out that the problem was a bad graphics card, but for a while it seemed as though a corrupted operating system might be to blame. There’s a computer repair place at the local university that offers relatively cheap (if correspondingly slow) service, of which I availed myself.

I happened to mention this inconvenient situation during a recent phone conversation with my mom. She has a phobia of computers (no doubt reinforced by my occasional tales of expensive and/or frustrating technical difficulties), and refuses to own one. However, every so often she’ll see a news article or whatever on TV that she’d like to get more information about, and at these times she relies on me to search out the requisite materials online for her. She therefore has a vested interest in knowing that my machine is active and internet-capable, so that she’ll be able to get a transcript of that Chicken Dijon recipe from last night’s **PM Magazine ** if necessary. I don’t have a problem with this, although I have yet to see evidence that she’s ever actually prepared any of these recipes I’ve downloaded for her. But I digress.

In any event, Mom commiserated with me over my computer troubles. I said that it probably wasn’t that big a deal, but that the repair process would probably necessitate wiping the hard drive (although as I mentioned above, this turned out not to be the case-- I myself am barely competent with computers, alas). My main concern was that I’d probably lose some files permanently in the process, since I don’t back up my data as often as I ought to.

All of this, really, is by way of preface to the central issue at hand. When I told Mom that my files would likely get lost, she asked if the repair folks would be able to copy them. I said that it was possible, but that it would probably mean an additional fee, and in any case I wasn’t too worried about it-- the material in question being mostly unfinished short story ideas, wretchedly bad attempts at poetry, saved PC games, and various image files. With the exception of my most recent progress in Morrowind, losing any of this stuff wouldn’t hurt me too badly.

Mom then asked if the repair guys could view my files without my knowledge. I said: perhaps, but again, I wasn’t too concerned about the possibility. It’s not as though I had any patent proposals or anything saved in there. I wasn’t going to lose sleep over the possibility of the computer repair guys stealing ideas from my crappy unpublished attempts at fiction.

Mom wanted to know if I’d had any porn on my computer.

Well, she’s my mom. She’s known about the Playboys for some time. I acknowledged that, yes, it’s not impossible that some of the image files in the machine might have possibly been porn. However, while trying to troubleshoot my computer problem, I’d already made a couple attempts to wipe the hard drive. I didn’t know if any of that stuff was still readily recoverable or not, but maybe so. In any case, I was fairly certain that there wasn’t anything in there that would have embarrassed me too much (except, perhaps, my extensively Photoshopped Jennifer Blaire screenshot gallery).

Mom asked if I was sure. Did I have child porn on my computer?


So, yeah, this was the point where the conversation ceased being merely awkward and jumped the tracks completely. I discovered that I didn’t seem to possess the necessary neural connections to even begin to make sense of the question. How do you respond to something like that? I can honestly say that I don’t recall anyone, ever, asking me flat out whether I had child porn lying around. If a random stranger asked me such a question, I expect I’d be fairly offended. If a coworker asked me, I’d definitely wonder where the hell that question was coming from. But this was my Mom!

Why, no, Mom! No, I don’t have a stash of child pornography on my computer! Thank you for asking! Have I done or said something at some point, to suggest to you that this would be a likely possibility? Why would this question even occur to you?

Well, it turns out that Mom watches a lot of cop shows, and sometimes people get arrested for having child porn on their computers. She knows that I spend a lot of time cruising the internet… so, you know, just in case I did happen to have any child porn on my computer, she was worried that I might get in trouble for it.

Ah, that explains it, then. Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much for your heartwarming show of concern. I’m gratified to be able to assure you that such is not the case, however. To my knowledge, I have not now, nor have I ever been, in possession of child pornography, digital or otherwise. I’m deeply touched by your thoughtful reminder to hide the child porn, but I think I can safely state that your warning was unneccessary.

I took the opportunity to assure Mom that I’d never murdered anyone, either. Just in case she was also harboring any worries in that area, you see. She confessed that she’d never really thought about it. (Actually she said she didn’t think I was capable of successfully concealing a murder. I told her that sounded like a dare to me.)

So now I don’t know what to think. Our phone conversation ended amicably enough. Mom seemed genuinely baffled that I took her question so badly. For my part, I found it impossible to maintain a sense of indignation; the situation was just too far removed from any familiar context. Now I’m just deeply puzzled. How much significance ought I to read into any of this? Are Mom and I closer as a family, now that the spectre of my potential child pornography hoard has finally been aired out?

Do other families have these sorts of conversations?


I’m sorry. I should probably be commiserating with you about your Mom and stuff, but hee.

People who don’t know anything about computers have been told that 90% of what’s on the internet is child pornography and it will attack your computer and put itself into your computer, usually when you’re not even home and the computer’s turned off.

My mother refers to Maxim magazine as “Tom’s Porn” She thinks my husband is some drooling, heavy-breathing, slack-jawed porn monger. Whenever she gets on those rants I tend to give her the “you are crazier than a shit-house rat” look, which she patently ignores.

For the record, I think my husband has a rather vanilla obsession with porn. The difference is, I suppose, is that I don’t care if he looks at it, so he doesn’t have to hide it from me. Evidently, that makes us BOTH freaks. That and my mother could tie my as-yet unchildproofed house into a conversation about the correct way to eat sushi. She hasn’t yet accused anyone of having child porn, a few more years of living alone and I’m sure it will come up.

I just have to know…is your mother from the south? I know we don’t have a corner on the market, but it does seem that no one can bring on the crazy in quite the same way southern women can. If anyone doubts me, read the thread:

Which is to date, reason enough to subscribe to the dope.

Well, this isn’t nearly as bad as your situation but I can remember a couple of times my mother “busted” me with a girl or girlfriend in my room that had stayed over night.

She was absolutely convinced, CONVINCED!! I tells ya’. That I was somehow using my superior wit to trick these girls into sleeping with me. She just couldn’t for the life of her believe that these girls might actually WANT to sleep with me. :rolleyes:

I’m not sure if I should be flattered by this or insulted.

This is an attitude that stayed with her even after I moved out and was well into my 20’s.

Sounds like something my mother would have said.

What is it about moms who pop up with inane comments?

When I lived in LA, I had the chance to meet hundreds of celebrities and would always dutifully report back to mom on who I had met.

Once I met Roseanne Barr and told mom. She said, “Was she clean?”
I thought for a second and said, “Well, we just spoke for a few minutes, but she didn’t use any foul language.”
Mom said, “No. I mean, were her clothes clean and her hair washed?”
It was such an off-the-wall question, 'Mom, I said we met at a theater premiere, and like everyone else, she was well dressed and looked like she had recently been to a hairdresser."
Mom said, “Well, on that tv show, she is just filthy.”

My Sainted Mother (who lives in the country, doesn’t have a computer and is calling me at work): Can you call this video store in the mall near where you work, see if they have this movie in stock, and if so go buy it and bring up here the next time you make the two hour trip?

Me: Or, how 'bout I order it from and have it shipped to your house.

MSM: Oh, did you find it on your computer?

  1. My mom, who works as a remedial teacher, has just finished her course in how to spot signs of sexual abuse in children. The following phoneconversation ensued while I was in college and living in another town:

Me: " Hi Mom! What’s the matter, you sound a bit stressed out?"
Mom, with a choked voice: "Your father has sexually abused you when you were small, hasn’t he?

Umm, no. Thanks for your concern, mom, and you tact in bringing it up. It’s a good thing this has nothing to do with the fact that you hate my fathers guts. :rolleyes:

With my mother it was marijuana and tatoos----she obessed over the idea that I would get high and have a tatoo done. I hesitate to say that I was in my 50s when that idea formed in her head.

I can’t stop laughing at this one.

Did you?

I now understand that my mother was beset with phobias, but I didn’t know this when I was growing up. She did have a tendency to view all new developments through her “worst-case scenario” glasses.

Me: Mom, I’m going to college.
Mom: Don’t become a professional student.

Me: Mom, I’m going out dancing with my girlfriends tonight.
Mom: Don’t become the hillside strangler’s next victim.

Me: Mom, my husband and I are buying a house.
Mom: Get out from under that debt as soon as possible or it’ll crush you.

Back to the OP

The husband of a young lady who’s the child of some friends of ours had exactly your Mom’s scenario happen to him.

He had apparently downloaded some teenage sex pix & then some months later brought his machine in for repairs. Result: He’s in jail, his life / career is destroyed, what was a stable marriage is broken up, and it’ll be illegal for him to ever see his own child once he gets out in 5 years. And that’s just the practical damage. The emotional trauma on everybody involved is tremendous.

The chiild-porn-on-computer hysteria in this country is right up there with the daycare center abuse mania of the 1980s, the 1950s Commies scare and the witchcraft trials in Olde Salem. The difference is now there exists a major surveillance effort to detect & prosecute the folks who run counter to the mania du jour.

Yes, an errant JPEG can destroy your life as yuo know it.

I am so glad to hear that I have not suffered alone. :smiley:

My mother is all of these and more.

It is shortly after her surgery and my wife and I have spent may long days and nights by the bed during recovery. We awakens and looks over to were I am standing bedside. Seeing the soda can on the table she says
“I know why you drink Mountain Dew.”
“Okay, I’ll bite” says I. “Why?”
“Because it tastes like beer.”

There is so much wrong with this that I am for a moment confused beyond words.

First, I don’t drink beer at all. Never developed a taste for it despite many parties in my teens and twenties. This I’ve told her repeatedly and patiently for DECADES.

Second… MOUNTAIN DEW TASTES LIKE BEER??? Aside from being liquid, they have nothing in common.

And lastly, no, it was no problem putting in these long hours. You’re welcome, happy to do it. Go to see you too.
I feel your pain

Dang, I think you may have hit the nail on the head there. That does sound eerily like the sort of notion that my mom might come up with. Maybe there’s just some sort of built-in feature that causes child porn to appear on your computer after a certain amount of time! This would explain why so many people get busted for it on those cop shows she watches; they bought computers, switched them on, and then one day they accidentally stayed on the internet long enough for their machine to start spontaneously generating child porn.

I don’t know what that would say about my mom’s grasp of reality, but since the alternative is that some element of my personality or behavior caused my own mother to suspect me of actively seeking out child porn, I’m going to run with your theory whether it makes any sense or not. She’s a sweet lady and I love her to pieces, but I mean, really: what the hell?!

Thanks for pointing out that thread; it does help to put things in perspective. Sampiro really deserves some sort of award for “SDMB Thread Title that Most Undersells the Entertainment Value of the Thread Contents.” I must have seen that thread in the Pit dozens of times, and never thought to click on it. I wish my own family crises had one-tenth the raw entertainment value.

No, my mom isn’t from the South originally, although she has lived over in St. Pete for the last couple decades. So it could be that Southern craziness is contagious, infecting people’s brains via exposure to the groundwater or something, in much the same manner as child pornography automatically appears on one’s hard drive over time. However, based on my own life and that of various extended family members, I’m by no means disregarding hereditary insanity as a major contributing influence.

Mom’s expressed an interest in viewing the “Bodies” exhibition while it’s over at MOSI, and she wants me to go with her. She hasn’t visited my newest apartment yet, and there’s a malicious little part of me that wants to go out and find a pile of children’s underwear catalogs and have them strewn around when she gets here-- maybe some big glossy pictures of JonBenet Ramsey on the walls or something. But I’d hate to cast a pall over a potentially pleasant family outing.

Random Coworker, sometime next week: “So, Terrifel, how was your weekend?”

Me: “Oh, about the same as ever, mostly. Talked to my mom on the phone; she was kind enough to remind me to keep my child porn hidden where the cops can’t find it. Later, to show my gratitude, I took her to see a building full of flayed human corpses. How’re things with you?”

Hey, if she’s heard anything about SPAM or spyware she may well be under the impression that you can easily accumulate unsolicited child porn on your machine just by opening your e-mail. Plus, though real CP on the net is not easy to find for the uninitiated, the way the phenomenon is publicized by those wanting to admonish us of the evils of the net, sometimes you’d think it’s only a click away at all times, together with all the “normal” porn: click a google ad for “young hotties” and BANG you’re at a page that loads up a thousand pop-ups of girls from nine to nineteen in action…

As to your final alternative, think that she may not be under the impression you’re a pervert, but just dumb – it may be that she can conceive of a scenario in which people who get in trouble having downloaded illegal materials did so just in a reckless act of “lemme see what the hell is the fuss all about”, without a truly nefarious ulterior motive.

Hmm. You make a good point; Mom is well aware of my dumbness problem.

My dad warned me from going to the Village because he believed that young men were routinely kidnapped and sold into sex slavery there. This despite the fact he walked through the Village every day to get to work.

I think he finally got over this notion by the time I reached 21 unkidnapped.

Off the top of my head, I can’t think of an example from my own life. (My mom bragging about my stepfather’s sexual prowess and recommending I solicit lovemaking advice from him doesn’t count, I think.)

However, in idle conversation yesterday, I learned that a good friend was sat down by her father when she turned fifteen and given detailed instructions on how to perform an abortion on herself. Y’know, just in case.

Maybe she was just confused about what “corrupted” meant in the context of an OS? That somehow, by looking at provocative entertainment articles and whatnot, your computer got warped somehow and just started seeking out and downloading the filthiest stuff imaginable for its own gratification, while you were sleeping? :smiley:

My awkard conversation was on the other end of the scale. My mum tried to initiate “the talk” with me when I was preparing to move in with my girlfriend.

I really didn’t know what to say. I’d been sexually active for a few years at that point – and regularly had girlfriends spend the night, or stayed over with them. By then most of my girlfriends were college age. Somehow, it never occurred to her that I was having sex with them. :confused:

Nope—no dope since my thirties and tattoos have never appealed to me.