I May As Well Post This Before Someone Else Does...

Poor little feller. :frowning:

And for the record, I generally take an NJ Transit train into the city.

I bet he likes sheep, too…

Ah, Hal. You filthy sheep filcher.

We’re on to you. We know you went out and got an animal costume. Then you got caught (again).
Thennnnnnnnn you posted the story before anyone else could (you were able to because you knew about it first, being the perpetrator and all) to cover up your cloven tracks.

We’re on to you like you’re on to sheep, baby.

You attempt to share the Coke Zero recipe, you die.

Let that be a lesson.

Oooh, I know how we could have some fun! Let’s start an urban legend about this.

Let’s tell everyone that Hal was picked up by a hiker on vacation out west, thinking he was an abandoned domesticated puppy. When Hal grew up, his owner realized his mistake, and tried to flush-- no, wait, that won’t work-- set him free in the nearest “wild” area. ('Cause New Yorkers are such sheltered creatures, they think the park is the wilderness . . . get it?)

Whee! I’m off to start composing mass e-mails!

Isn’t part of Central Park the Sheep Meadow? :o

Well, at least the sewer-gators didn’t get him…

Definition:** HAL**: Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer (2001)

Source: VERA / Linux Dictionary V 0.16

The “puppy” is actually a computer programmed to…

“Hey, who let you in here?”


“Ouch! Get back you big dog…Get baa…”

Well, this is obvious. The coyote is your spirit guide and you must now eat a Guatemalan Insanity Pepper and go on a vision quest in the desert.

Lemme check my calendar. Hmmm. Do I have time for a vision quest this afternoon…?

You mean and eventually find my soul mate in a lighthouse? I’ve already tried that, and it didn’t work.

Besides, you have to eat the Guatemalan Insanity chile first–only then will Hal, the coyote of Central Park, come back to you after his unfortunate death.

If this but only the Pitt, so Hal could tell you all to ram it. :wink: :smiley: