David Blaine Pulling Teeth--what's the trick?

I just saw a clip from a stunt in which David Blaine is presented as pulling teeth from a random passerby’s mouth, she totally freaks out, then he blows in her face, and her teeth are back.

So, that’s gotta be… she’s gotta be a plant, right?

Anyone know some other way such a trick could be pulled off?

I saw the clip twice. The second time it looked to me like she was wearing some kind of false teeth. They just seemed to long or something. That would mean she surely is a plant.

But I don’t want her to be a plant. That’s the cheesiest magician move of all. So, anyone know how else it might have been done?


Not I. But it’s David Blaine, so I expect she’s a plant.

David Blaine is not a magician, he’s got no tricks. What kind of real self-respecting magician sits in a box and doesn’t eat? Great trick, moron. So I’d say it was a plant.

David Blaine … pulling teeth.

David Blaine … pulling teeth.

I’ll take pulling teeth.

So there seems to be this general skepticism about Blaine, here, such that people feel comfortable simply assuming Blaine uses a plant.

I don’t know much about the guy. What is it about him that makes people here think this of him?


No matter what ianzin might say, plants and stooges are commonplace in magic and have been for the past 150 years of modern stage magic. Any trick that involves invading personal space calls for a plant.

Well damn.

I shall never enjoy a magic show, ever again. :frowning:


I recall reading that Blaine used particularly unmagical trickery in other specials. Specifically, the trick where one appears to levitate by turning obliquely to the viewer and rising up on the tip-toe of the foot that is obscured to the viewer…

He apparently did the illusion appropriately to get a reaction shot from a person on the street, and then cut to a shot in which he was hoisted up by a crane so that both feet were off the ground for the home viewer.

Oooh, magic!

I think there’s a lot of tv editing in Blane’s specials. One trick where he has someone write the name of a friend on a piece of papar which he subsequently burns and rubs on his arm where the name magically appears has to be edited.
I’d say the subject is a plant.