How Safe are Chilean Grapes

I have often wondered just how safe our food is that comes from places like Chile, Mexico, third world countries, etc. from pesticides. Who checks them and how often. I suspect in Canada our food is not that well monitored by the federal government—(the usual budget cuts); How well is food monitored in the USA? Do you glow at night and have no intestinal parisites thanks to uneducated or unscrupulous marketers?

There are very strict USDA guidelines about what can be imported in to the country, and food import/export involves a lot of regulations and inspections. Even so, fruit is a pretty self-contained deal and it’s hard to go really wrong.

Chilean fruit embargo of 1989

More at The cyanide scare; a tale of two grapes.
And here: U.S. Cleared in '89 Scare Over Chilean Fruit