Sarah Fimm

A friend of mine introduced me to Sarah Fimm sometime last year with the song Virus and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t think to dig deeper until recently when I was looking for some new stuff to listen to and gave some of her other music a try and was immediately blown away.

Her voice, her lyrics, her music, and everything about her is, true to her presumed alias, ethereal. Except for occasional television breaks, I’ve been listening to her pretty much non-stop all day while searching fruitlessly for more of her music. Her website,, has eight of her songs free for the listening but I am not satisfied with those limited offerings. I’ll buy her albums – every single one – when I get the spare money but I want her music now.

I’ve not felt this way about a musical artist in a long, long time. Possibly ever. Is anyone else familiar with her or share my appreciation?

No one?

No one ever replied to this the first time around, and I expect no one will this time either, but I’m bumping it to point everyone at, where you can download the first of three free EPs from Sarah Fimm. She released it on Christmas morning and it was a wonderful gift from my favorite artist. My favorite songs are Let it Run and Counting Waves.

…for Tanaqui, maplekiwi, Equipoise, and any other lovers of good music:

Sarah has a new album available exclusively through CDBaby. It’s a collection of B Sides called The Vanishing Sessions (B-Sides Part I) and is only $9.99. She also has another album that was released in August that I didn’t think to mention here called Red Yellow Sun that should also be picked up.

Her artist page.

And another bump because, damn it, I want someone else to post in this thread at some point.Okay, not really. I don’t mind gushing into the void, but more news and FREE MUSIC for anyone that might be silently reading:
The Karma Phala Music Drive is a free 1 GB drive project created by musician/artist Sarah Fimm filled with 31 tracks of music, photos, video, a personal message, and more.

  • If you would like to receive a Karma Phala drive or a link to download the collection and share, write to [EMAIL=“”] with ‘Karma Phala l’ in the subject! Include your address for an actual drive to pass on! Thank you so much for being a part of this world!*

  • Redirecting...*
    I got mine weeks ago. It’s lovely. You should ask for one as well.

I know how you feel, great artist, totally ignored, it happens to me all the time. I’m ashamed I hadn’t posted before, because I love Sarah, but I’d usually see the post, think “Oh I have to post in that” or “I really do have to post in that” or “Seriously, really, I’m going to post this time!” but not have the time at the moment, think “Later,” then it would drop off the front page and I’d forget about it.

So, anyway, Sarah’s really wonderful. Like Happy, and Noe Venable, and Charlotte Martin, and so many others, it’s criminal how unknown they are.

I also love that she must love Happy, since Happy is on the front page of her MySpace page, or was (wait, I just checked, and she still is!). Sarah sent me a Friend request at Facebook too, I’m still not sure why, since she’s never said a word to me. Maybe it’s a fan running the two pages and not Sarah herself, I have no idea. But it’s still cool. Someone likes Happy, anyway.

This sounds like a very innovative and interesting project!

I think it’s Sarah herself, based on what she posts. It’s not promotional at all and I even once got a private message from her just making idle conversation. Since she’s truly an independent artist, it makes sense that she has the time to manage everything herself – or, if you choose to interpret this way, she’s not popular enough to need a publicist – and she seems to sincerely care about both her fans and her craft. She is an absolutely wonderful person based on my (what I assume are real) interactions with her, and I hope nothing but the best for her.

Thanks for posting, by the way! I’ve always felt a special kinship with you based on our similar musical tastes and love of esoteric music and female vocalists. I hope you made a request for the thumb drive, but if you didn’t, I will be more than happy to share it with you personally since that is the whole intent of the project. Let me know. :slight_smile:

Sarah just released her seventh album, this time under her own label. It’s entitled Near Infinite Possibility, and you can order it through CDBaby here.

Do it. Support a truly independent (and amazing and innovative) singer-songwriter.

Yay! Thanks. Is Sarah on Twitter, do you know?

She is!

My username’s behrat, btw. If you don’t mind, I’d like your username as well.

Thanks. I never thought to look for her.

I found that username but Sarah wasn’t in the Following so I’m not sure it’s you. You probably don’t want to follow me on Twitter, trust me, I’ll drive you crazy. I mainly post about the movies I’ve seen, keeping a running tally. In between I chatter a lot and send Happy links to people, but delete most of the chatter/links within a day or two (sometimes within hours) so the movie posts don’t get too far apart.