Sons of bitches!

I know they’ve done this before, but:

Yahoo! Answers:

How much money (in US$) would I get if we divided up all the wealth in the world into equal amounts?

Straight Dope:

If the world’s wealth were divided equally, how much would each of us have?

Still makes me grr.

Not certain what you are grrred about. Is there some plagiarism I’m not seeing?

Stealing your questions. :slight_smile:

Like that question hasn’t been asked about a thousand times before. C’mon.

I’m sorry, that should be “stealing our questions”. I was on the phone.

And I can’t help but notice that it showed up right after ours showed up on the web. Hanging off coat-tails it seems.

But it’s in ATMB, not anywhere else - I’m not really ranting about it, just wanted TPTB to know about it.

The SD article was written in 1991. Not exactly hot off the presses.

Ok, ok! Sorry! I will never do it again, I promise.

:runs off to write it on the board 1000 x: