With no Star Trek on TV what happened to all of the serious trekkies?

I’ve wondered about this since Star Trek: Enterprise went off of the air.

What are all of the serious trek fanboys and gals doing now? I don’t mean people that watched it casually, I mean the dudes that were so into Trek that they dressed up like characters at a moments notice and spent all of their time doing something trek related. The nutty lady (can’t remember the name) in the Whitewater trial is a good example. (Hey, I’m sorry, the woman has a reality problem…check her out in the Trekkies movies) Theres nothing wrong with being a fan, or even owning some trek (or any other show) memorabilia. But some people really go off of the deep end.

Did these people migrate to something else, like Star Wars? Or are they still dressing up like Klingons and having conventions?

G4 TV has loads of Trek, as does Spike TV.
And the Original Series is on DVD.

Yeah, I know that there are reruns and of course the DVD’s but with no trek actively on TV I’d have thought the interest would wane a bit. How many times can you watch the same episodes over and over?

Well, the original Trek has something like only 67 episodes and managed to maintain a fanatical fanbase for over ten years.

Over ten years? More like thirty, I’d say.

Plus there are those patiently waiting the next Star Trek movie.

I believe he’s referencing the period of time between the end of TOS and the premiere of STTMP.

There are still plenty of Star Trek Conventions being held all around the country. Plus, the Rise of the Internet has given Trekkies and Trekkers ways to connect and keep the fetish alive while donning Spock ears in the privacy of their mother’s basements all over the world.

Pffft! No one wears Spock ears anymore! It’s all about the Klingon head-lobsters now…

There are Trek computer games, Trek fanfic, Trek fan episodes, Trek novels … all kinds of ways of getting your fix (or spreading some geek love).

And they’ll be kept extremely busy arguing about the casting, plot, etc of the upcoming Star Trek XI movie.

" A new, eleventh (and as-yet-untitled) film in the series has been announced for release in 2008."


There’s only one line I want to see in any article about this new movie: “Studio executives note that Rick Berman and Brandon Braga were taken out to the back lot and shot through the head three times prior to the announcement that an 11th Star Trek movie would be made…”

There’s only one line I want to see in any article about this new movie: “Studio executives note that Steve Berman and Brandon Braga were taken out to the back lot and shot through the head three times prior to the announcement that an 11th Star Trek movie would be made…”

It was a transporter accident, I swear!

Ah, yes. That would be Star Trek: Suckitude.

I was never the type to dress up and I know maybe half a dozen words of Klingon so I had a definite (and low) limit but until recently, I had over 300 novels, dozens of toys, more magazines than I care to contemplate, most of the DVDs, and was one of about a dozen Dopers that posted heavily to the weekly *Enterprise *threads when it was still on the air (it probably accounts for literally half of my post count) so I would say I was serious and/or hardcore but have since stopped caring almost completely and, from what I can tell, am not alone in my apathy. The fanbase is and will always be there in some form but it’s definitely fracturing and dwindling.

The halcyon days of Trek were from about 1974 to 1994 and it’s been declining ever since.