Another College Cheater, Cheating Himself

The last time I started a thread on student cheating, it was a Pit thread. Well, here’s another. But I can’t really work up much vitriol. I’m not angry. I’m just, well… disappointed.

While I do teach several lower level programming courses in C and C++, this regards my Advanced Java class. This is a course intended for the Computer Science majors. This is an elective course – it’s not required.

As such, I typically get the better and brighter of my former C++ programming students in this course. The ones who are more motivated. The ones who want to learn. The ones who are taking the course because it really interests them. The ones whom I can trust to do their own work…

Or so I thought.

This course is usually their first intro to Java, but it’s for students who have already had several semesters of programming, so they are more “advanced” at this point. So we cover the language basics fast, then move on to more interesting packages and libraries.

I try to make it fun for them. For many of these students, it’s their first official exposure to GUI programming, complete with event handling. Among other things, we cover the Swing libraries – makes for a nice introduction to these topics. And in addition to a number of smaller assignments, they have one major project to do.

The project is to write an implementation of a board game, or something similar (card game, etc), with a nice usable GUI – something user-friendly and intuitive. They each have to pick a different game. They have to do their own design. They can work solo or with a partner. There is a lot of room for creativity, and a lot of room for extra credit – for implementing features above and beyond the minimum requirements. Like I said, I try to make it fun.

And I’ve gotten some really creative and interesting game submissions in past semesters.

Summer classes ended last week, so this week I’m doing the final grading. In the case of the Java class, that means testing out their games (and writing up my critiques). Last night, after getting a cursory view of a number of them, I chose one to begin with for the first writeup.

It had a small amount of code compared to the others. It was implemented as an applet, and I tried it out. Seemed like a pretty decent implementation, if a bit minimal. Was looking like a probable B grade. Then I looked at his code. And something seemed… odd. I think perhaps it was the function names – they just didn’t seem like something he’d choose.

So I plugged those names into Google. Lo and behold – up come several links to an applet implementation of the same game. With the same function names. Written by a Chinese guy, copyright 1995. In fact, it was the same exact code. Line. For. Line.

No – almost line for line. My student, for instance, had changed the background color from red to green. And removed the comments that were in Chinese language characters – perhaps he realized that would be a dead giveaway.

And all he needed was about 50% on the project to put his course average in the passing range. Even a half-ass job, as long as it was his work, would have sufficed…

After writing up his “gradesheet”, I quit for the night. I wasn’t in the mood to look at any more of the game submissions. I have to get back to it today. I hope that the rest of them don’t leave me feeling this disappointed in my other students.

So, what happens to him? Fail the assignment and therefore the class? Chace to make up? Reported for academic dishonesty and booted out of school?

Man, if I were gonna cheat, I would have at *least *changed the variables and function names to look like my style of code.

We get quite a few obvious schoolwork cheaters at Google Answers. Sometimes a handsome price is offered. These kids apparently don’t stop to think that teachers might perform a simple Google Search and discover that the material was bought from a stranger on the Internet. It’s pathetic.

If you’re smart and motivated enough to put more effort into cheating than a Google search or copying off a classmate, you’re probably smart and motivated enough to actually do your own work.

I think some of these kids are smart enough, but they’re lazy. It’s not uncommon for homework questions to be posted on Google Answers along with a statement such as “I don’t have the time to do this.” Apparently some students give rather low priority to schoolwork. There are keg parties to attend and dope to be smoked, after all.

Haven’t decided 100% yet. The university’s “official” policies on dealing with Academic Honor Code violations are a royal pain in the ass, and I’ve had bad experiences with it in the past (with the university’s procedures). I already regaled folks with some of these tales in the Stupid Cheater Tricks thread last year.

At the very least, I don’t consider this to be a valid project submission, so as far as I’m concerned, it earns no points. (I’m not awarding points to a student for demonstrating his mad Copy/Paste skills). With a 0 on this project, his final course average will come out below the passing range on its own.

And of course I see the cheating thing quite frequently in my lower-level classes, especially the non-majors classes, for those not in the CS major – but courses that are required for those students.

In fact, I understand the mentality and internal rationalization that goes on – in their twisted little logic, they are saying, “Well, I don’t want to take this course anyways! I’m only here because I have to be, it’s required for my major… so it’s okay if I cheat, I’m not interested anyways, etc, etc.” (Of course, they didn’t have to pick that major, which requires said course, but still, I see where it comes from).

But this particular situation, in the OP, is what’s making my head spin. It makes no sense. To wit… this is an ELECTIVE! He didn’t have to take this course! This is not a situation of being-forced-to-take-a-course-that-I-hate-against-my-will-oh-woe-is-me. And it’s not like the game project comes as a surprise to anybody. Everybody knows I’ve been giving this project in this Java course for the past 5 straight terms. Many students have come to me, all excited-like, at the beginning of the term, telling me their game idea, for the project that hasn’t even been assigned yet (for them). And it’s posted halfway through the term, so the students typically have about 7 or 8 weeks to do it.

If you don’t want to do it, and if you don’t want to learn this material, don’t take the course! It’s NOT REQUIRED!!! IT’S AN ELECTIVE!!!

The disappointing part for me, specifically, was not seeing another instance of cheating. I’ve seen it plenty before, and I know I’ll see it again. The disappointing part was seeing the cheating attempt occurring in THIS CLASS. A class supposedly full of the better, brighter, and more motivated students who signed up for it by choice.

Been there. Seen it. Know what to look for.

A few notes from a fellow teacher.

  1. Your place probably has an embedded academic honesty policy, which drags you and the “alleged” cheater/google-enhanced-coder into a due process situation.

  2. Your cheatin’ bastard may have an out if it wasn’t clear that the work was to be done in the absence of that sort of supplemental help. I’ve seen Regents’ Professors stymied by amibuities in academic protocols.

  3. A summary “0” might not be assessed due solely to cheating.

  4. You might want to hold back that person’s paper for processing. Document yiour case, and ask your department head for advice.

Well sure, but that seems like the *minimal *effort one should put in if one is stealing code.

Cheat is just teach spelled backwards.

Thank you for that wonderful piece of insight, prruber. However, as cheat is actually ‘taehc’ spelled backwards, and teach spelled backwards would be ‘hcaet’, you get an F for this course.



p. ruber² meant phonetically: /t/ + /ea/ + /ch/ > /ch/ + /ea/ + /t/. Or something.

My university’s cheating center (sorry, Center for Student Rights & Responsibilities) takes weeks and weeks to deal with anything, and by the time they finally do I’m well out of the loop. Which is fine because by then the term is usually over. I still report them, though, just in case they pull this stuff in multiple classes.

Yes, there’s an official “process”, which is definitely a royal pain in the ass. And I’ve gone through it before to find that the university apparently isn’t willing to back up their own policies. Even in the most egregious of cases, they let her off because there was no direct confession (although the evidence was pretty damn conlusive – it was a case of a stolen test). And even in the honor court cases where the student admitted to cheating, they just gave them “make-up” assignments, created by a different teacher, and to be completed by the student with NO SUPERVISION. :smack:

I’ve found that the best way to deal with cheating is to structure my grading policies so that cheating gives very little benefit to the student. The tests (proctored work) are weighted much heavier than the assignments, and there’s a “minimum C-” requirement on the test average, to qualify for a C- or better in the course. Typically, the students who cheat on the assignments – if they aren’t detected, they scrape out passable assignment scores, but they typically fail the tests – on which I ask questions in much the same format that they saw on the assignments.

This is from my assignment specification:

I think that #4 makes it clear that “Google search somebody’s code, steal it verbatim, and put your name on it” is right out!

Actually, it was a line from UP THE DOWN STAIRCASE. I always thought the dumbness was the funny part.

That’s really unfortunate. I know that at my college, the judiciary/disciplinary board (which was student run) came down hard on cheating. Anything this blatant would have resulted in failing the course for sure, and a second instance would probably be the end of one’s enrollment.

It may be that things have changed since then – I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I did an Honor Court case here. The university did re-word the Academic Honor Code policy last year. And I think the changes are better – at least it more specifically defines what constitutes a violation. It’s pretty much the same procedural elements in how to respond, but again, better defined.

The cases I mentioned where the students were given “make-up” assignments – I believe those were all cases of graduating seniors. My guess is that the Honor Court office didn’t want to chance any legalistic retribution or other flack from holding them back. Which is a lame excuse, IMHO. Personally, I don’t feel that a student’s grade in a course should be based on anything except for their work in that course. Things like pending graduation, job lined up, parents travelled to town to see them walk, etc. etc. shouldn’t enter into grading – all of these have been reasons I’ve seen students give, begging at the end of a term for a grade they didn’t earn.

As for the more egregious case involving the stolen test, that’s a story I told here, last year – if you’re interested.

Well, at least I ended last night’s grading on a happier note. I’m still working on these projects, but after going through a number of mediocre ones (both in interface and buggy gameplay)…

I finished the evening with a writeup of a very good implementation of Yahtzee. I’ve had several students do that game in past semesters, but this is the best Yahtzee submission I’ve seen to date. Very nice looking interface, easy to use, all rules implemented correctly. Done as both an application and applet, along with some nice extra features.

This one’s definitely an A+ submission. And given that the student only needed 54% on it for an A in the course (given his other grades), I’d say he’s in good shape.

I’m glad that was the last project submission I evaluated last night. Reminds me why I like teaching this particular course. Reminds me that there actually are some students out there who care about whether they learn or not. Reminds me why I do this. :slight_smile:

What’s even more pathetic is that I flat-out tell students from the beginning that I am very good at Googling, as are my fellow professors. Yet they still copy and paste things verbatim from various sites, thinking we won’t notice that the skill level and style vary so drastically from one paragraph to the next that it’s obvious it’s not their own work.

I’ve even shown them my file folders crammed with disciplinary letters sent to students I’ve caught cheating, and copies of the hearing results when students get suspended for cheating more than once. I spend a lot of time the first week telling them what the penalties are and how they are laid out in my syllabus so that no one can say they weren’t warned. I give a handout, cover everything on the board, answer questions, tell them how to quote and cite, and give a quiz on the matter.
Yet they continue to cheat. I’m still getting at least half a dozen plagiarized papers per semester.
I didn’t mean to hijack the thread, Monstre. School starts on Aug. 28, so the thought of what’s coming up is on my mind a lot these days.