What the Hell! Another Ice Cream Truck Driver Murdered

What the Hell is wrong in America, that ice cream truck drivers keep getting murdered! I know the subject has been talked about in the last couple months. Now another man has been shot dead, and he wasn’t robbed. What’s so lukrative about an ice cream route to want these men dead? It’s not like thier profession is a loathed by the general public. Did they run out of a favorite flavor of a psychotic individual? Will we have to come up with a term for people that lose control and kill ice cream truck vendors? Is there a new movie, internet spoff site, rap song, or game, that has set some loonies loose on these vendors?


I’ve always wanted to take a baseball bat to those loudspeakers. Maybe someone was just a bit upset over the noise?

Back in the 80s in Glasgow, Scotland there was the Ice Cream War which ended up with a few people being killed in a fire bombing of a flat. Some say it was all over control of a lucrative ice cream trade and some say the vans were a front for drug selling. Yes I’ll have a 99 flake with ohhhh do you have some aphetamine frosting, great I’ll take two.
The people jailed for the murders were eventually freed,you just have to love the 80s UK policing.

A quick google search whilst trying to find some cites turns up more references to death in a ice cream truck in various places in the US.

my uncharitable geuss would be these are drugs related.

Was the temperature over 95°?

If so, I can make a guess why.

I agree. If I hear “Do Your Ears Hang Low” one MORE TIME!!!

We don’t get that; ours play “Turkey in the Straw.”

That may have been a woosh, but TintS & DYEHL are the same tune - just different lyrics.

Bleedingly obviously yours ~

VCNJ~ :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m pretty sure the local Good Humor man is having an affair with my next-door neighbor. Around 6:30 p.m. or so he parks next door and his tinkly music plays on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on until I am ready to squeak.

So yes, while I certainly wouldn’t murder him, a shoulder-mounted missile at his loudspeaker would not come amiss.

The guy is…seeing…your neighbor and leaves the music running? WTH, background music?
How did she become interested in the guy? Hey, check out the ince cream sandwich on that guy!

This is a whoosh, right? :slight_smile:

Back in college I went to apply for a summer job with a local ice cream outfit. The owner smoked about three cigarettes and used some form of the word “fuck” about thirty times in our two-minute conversation, as a gigantic Doberman growled at me from under his desk.

He took me out to join a guy named Bear for his afternoon route. We found Bear tinkering with the huge plywood woofer cabinet he had installed in his ice cream truck, blasting the sort of mid-70s cock rock that was probably new when Bear last washed his tank top. Unable to hear anything over the music, he gestured with the Marlboro in his mouth for me to take a seat on the passenger side.

The music stopped, and Bear made his way to the driver’s seat, coughing and hacking all the way. He shut the door and leaned over until he was right up in my face.

“You’re not a cop, are you?” he said.

“Uh, no,” he said.

“Not with the FBI? CIA?”


“DEA? Anybody? 'Cause you have to tell me, you know.”

“Yeah, I know.”

He leaned back up and got out of the van. I quickly made up something that I had to do, and bolted.

True story.

That fucker kept slowing down and then taking off just as I got there…

Our local guy also parks right in front of our house in order to feed the neighbor’s grossly obese toddlers their nightly allotment of ice cream. And yes, he lets his loudspeakers play “Turkey In the Straw” on an endless loop for about a half hour. I too have had thoughts of murder stray across my brain.

However, I don’t mind when a different one comes into the neighborhood. He plays “Oh, Playmate, Come Out and Play With Me”, a rare old kiddy tune which I’ve never heard outside of an old Merrie Melodies cartoon. Go figure.

I read a novel a while back that had a character who drove an ice cream truck as a cover for his more lucrative business of selling drugs. Maybe that happens in real life, too?

I had no idea that Gordon Ramsay used to own an ice cream company.

They say all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy…

That was also the premise of the Cheech and Chong movie “Nice Dreams”.

I have a pile of pebbles by the front door reserved just for the ice cream man. The next time he parks in my cul-de-sac looping the first 4.5 bars of “Turkey in the Straw” on a squacky speaker for 30 minutes, I’ll deliver them to him. At high velocity. In quick succession. Aiming for the face and the groin. (Oh and the speakers too, of course the speakers.)

Is it me, or is anyone else seriously wigged out by a business model that involves strange men prowling neighborhoods in a van, searching out children, using sweets as bait?

Anyway, I’m glad to learn I’m not the only one who wants to hospitalize the worthless twits.

Mine plays “Pop Goes the Weasel”.

No, absolutely not! I had some good memories of the ice cream man when I was a kid. I was never allowed to have ice cream in the house, but sometimes I was allowed to buy it from the ice cream truck. It was a big event for me. I may find him annoying now, but I remember how happy I used to be and try not to begrudge the kiddies too much.

It’s also a minigame within Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, too…

The only time I lived anywhere with a neighbourhood ice cream guy was in Germany. There were two guys, actually, the long-haired, bearded one in the green 60’s VW Van, and the long-haired bearded guy in the orange 60’s VW Van. I don’t know if they were in business together or competitors, but every once in a while, they would both come by on the same day.

No annoying “ice cream song” music from these guys. They just had a small hand-held bell that they’d hold out the window and ring whenever they came to their usual stops along the route (one of them in the parking lot directly in front of my building door). “D-ding d-ding d-ding”. Somewhere along the line, my family took to calling him (or them) “Dingy-dingy” - “Hey, look, here comes Dingy-dingy - can I have money for ice cream?”

[eddie murphy]MOM!! MOM! The ice cream man is coming! Throw down some change!![/eddie murphy]