Do house mice bite?

Yes I know that they have mouths, and teeth, so technically yes the CAN bite you.

I just don’t really know if they are prone to biting, like if I held one I found in my house in my hand and tried to clean it off with soap would it try to fight me?

I left the background in MPSIMS if you really have to know.

It might. My son was once bitten by a common house mouse.

Left alone, I have never heard of a mouse attacking anyone (Nebraska cricket hunters may be an exception).

However, if you pick up a mouse (domestic or wild) and it feels that it is threatened, it will very definitely use any means to escape, including biting your hand.

I loved your story in MPSIMS! You’re good people, BBS2000.

Yes, mice will bite, and I daresay that if you try to clean it with soap, you’re risking getting bitten.

What I wonder is whether or not it’s a risk to the poor mouse to let it be oily. This isn’t heavy crude. It’s vegetable oil. If the mouse cleans itself, it won’t be ingesting petroleum.

Another one who loved the story! I’ve been bitten a couple of times by mice that I was trying to catch and put out so they wouldn’t be poisoned or trapped or eaten by cats… ungrateful little buggers.

You really don’t want to be handling house mice. They are vermin, after all.

Info on house mice.