Any friction between Agnetha and Frida?

Pouring through YouTube ABBA stuff, seems like Frida readily accepted second-banana status, anyone know if there were ever any dustups, conflicts, etc. between the two? Catfights? Near makeouts like at the end of this remix?

Which brings to mind a question that sometimes comes to me as I’m falling asleep (usually when there’s wine involved, come to think of it): Given the amount of Kirk/Spock slash I’m told is out there, and the reported popularity of fake-lesbian porn among certain types of straight men - are there legions of lonely old horndog ABBA fans writing Frida/Agnetha slash? I’m scared to go look. :eek:

What I’ve heard is that the two women didn’t socialize much outside of work, and sometimes quarreled, but mostly they had a good friendly working relationship. The rumors of catfights and seething resentments are probably the sort of crazy rumors that surround any celebrity. However, I don’t exactly have any great sources to back that up…

I’m on it, will report back later, if possible. Could turn into a weekend project. :slight_smile:

Meh, can’t find anything.