Who the fuck is Rossa Kay?

I keep hearing this Travel Commercial on the radio. It starts out “Hi, this is Rossa Kay.” Like I’m supposed to know the name. Is it really just a mispronunciation of Rula Lenska?

I’d post this in Cafe Society or General Questions, but then I’d have to be nice. Plus the attitude of presumed celebrity annoys the shit outta me.

This Saturday is Rula Lenska’s birthday.

What, it caught you unprepared again this year?

Rasa is a common Lithuanian name (I dated a Rasa back in high school. Lithuanians are hot, for the record.)

I suspect Rasa is the owner of the travel agency.

I’ve wondered about this sort of thing for a while, are they insinuating that we should know who ‘random person on tv’ is, or that it would affect if we want to to business with them? Are they trying to be more personal by introducting themselves by name?

I rather agree with the OP, I don’t get it.

Why, she’s married to Mr Galt and have three lovely children with a very wet house.

Billy Mays Here With A Fantastic Offer!!!