Need some horror movie trivia questions - stat!

Alright, I’m throwing an early Halloween party this weekend and need some trivia questions about horror movies to finish out a little trivia game with door prizes idea. Unfortunately, all my creative juices are gone. Please help.

I prefer to stick to questions inside the context of the movie like;
Q - When vactioning in Tarker’s Mill, you should always pack?
A - a ‘Silver Bullet.’

instead of questions about actors, original screenplay titles and such. But I’ll take what I can get.

Spoiler boxes optional. Read at your own peril. No animals were harmed in the posting of this thread. etc. etc.

Please Dope, pull my sausage out of the grinder on this one.



“What’s the scariest mask to wear on Halloween if your first name is Michael?”

“A James T. Kirk mask, painted white.”

(Michael Myers, of Halloween fame, originally wore a white-painted Kirk mask.)

That’s the spirit. Keep 'em coming.

“Who makes beautiful music in the Carpathians?” - “Children of the night” (Dracula)

What scary movie starts with the Star Spangled Banner? Poltergeist

(I had totally forgotten this until it was on TMC last week.)

Q. How can you tell if your child is evil and wants to exterminate humans?
A. They will have white hair and eyes that glow. (Village of the Damned)

Q. What are the rules for surviving a horror movie?
A. 1 Never say I’ll be right back. 2. Don’t have sex 3. Don’t drink or do drugs 4. Never ask “Who’s there?” 5. Don’t go outside to investigate strange noises. (Scream, the first three rules given by Randy, the last 2 by the killer)

Q, Who would win a fight between a zombie and a shark?

A. Neither, it would be a draw.

(from “Zombie”, released outside the US as “Zombi 2” and “Zombie Flesh Eaters” - the shark loses some chunks, the zombie loses an arm)

If psychological horror films count:

Name the three films in Roman Polanski’s triology of films depicting the horrors of apartment living:

Rosemary’s Baby
The Tenant

Complete this phrase: “Love ____, Hate _____.”

“Love Dead, Hate Living.” - The Monster, Bride of Frankenstein

How does a vampire slayer know there’s a vampire around?
Menstrual cramps

(Movie version of Buffy only - they dropped that bit of silliness for the TV show.)

Who directed the original version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Tobe (pronounced Toby) Hooper.

What film did Wes Craven remake as The Last House on the Left?
Ingmar Bergman’s The Virgin Spring.

Who was the female lead in the great Italian horror director Dario Argento’s 1985 film Phenomena, also known as Creepers?
Jennifer Connolly
Bonus: What was Connolly’s character’s psychic ability in this movie? She could communicate with insects.

Who directed the first FRANKENSTEIN movie?

Thomas Edison

What year?


Does a copy still exist?

Until about a decade ago, it was thought “No”, but one has been discovered & copies are privately distributed by the owner.

Here’s a trick question, or rather two questions that have the same answer.

What phrase should you utter when being attacked by Gort the Killer Robot?

What incantation of protection should you chant when taking possesion of the Necronomicon?

Klaatu Barada Nikto.

(References to The Day the Earth Stood Still and Army of Darkness, respectively.)

Would you want to live at 112 Ocean Boulevard?
Not in Amityville, New York!

Another trick question of sorts…

What seven things can kill the Antichrist?

The Seven Daggers of Megiddo.

(referencingThe Omen.)

What was Freddy’s Mom’s name?
Amanda Krueger
What was her profession?
What did Nancy pull out of her dream to identify him?
What was the model shark’s name in Jaws?
In Jaws, how many men did Quint say went into the water with the sinking of WWII boat (the Indianapolis) he was on?
How many came out?
What was the name of his fishing boat?
The Orca
What were the lyrics to the child’s rhyme in Nightmare on Elm Street?
One, two, Freddy’s coming for you
Three four you’d better lock your door
Five, six, grab your crucifix
seven eight stay up late
nine ten never sleep again
What room number was Danny supposed to stay out of in the movie The Shining?

  1. What’s the name of the appliance store where Shaun works, in “Shaun of the Dead”?

A: Foree Electronics, named after Ken Foree, star of George Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead.”

  1. What did Alfred Hitchcock use for blood in the famous shower scene in “Psycho.”

A: Chocolate syrup. On black and white film, red artificial blood didn’t look right.

I love it, good stuff.

More. More!

Besides stellar careers in horror films, what do Christopher Lee & Vincent Price share?

The same birthday - May 27th. Peter Cushing, the 3rd member of this horror triumverate was born on May 26th!


Who do we get to see killed first in “Night of the Living Dead”?

What state does it take place in?
Penn. (might want to check this one. I heard it from a Penn resident. Some of the shelter names do match up, though.)