The Nine 11/08

May I be the first to say that as painful as this is to admit, given the hotness of the character of Nick, I think Kate made the right decision.

Could someone recap? I fell asleep early on. :smack:

Da Boyfriend was gearing up to propose to Kate and, when she figured out what was happening, she wigged and hid in the bathroom. She told her therapist that she’s having intense feelings for Nick. That night Egan hosted a poker party for the hostages and he and Nick got into a big hand. Nick bet like a maniac, chasing a straight all the way to the river and catching it. Kate ran back to her therapist and talked about how oogy seeing Nick like that made her feel. Next morning she told DA Boyfriend to finish proposing. He did, hauling out Kate’s grandmother’s ring that he’d gotten from Kate’s mother. He slipped it on her finger amid general lovey-doveyness (although, I noted, she never actually said “yes”).

I completely forgot to start this thread, so thank you for doing so.
I’ll be back after I watch my tape.

For some reason (I think it was the nooner) I thought he was married. So, the love triangle thickens. Steady guy or hot loose cannon…

Egan seems intent on trying all sorts of things that he apparently never bothered with in his life before the hold-up. I wonder when he’s going to find himself some employment again. (Did he?)

I really like this episode. Boyfriend guy (I call him Dudley Do-Right) was a little creepy, though, with candles and flower petals. What kind of guy does that!! I like that Nick kinda sorta wants Egan to stay with him-- they make a cute (odd) couple.

Not yet. He went to the same employment agency as Franny – what with there being just the one employment agency in the greater Los Angeles area and all – but all they offered him were things similar to the insurance job he’d just left. He supposedly got a big payoff from his old job, plus payout for all his accrued sick and vacation days, plus unemployment, so he’s supposedly set for a while.

I think Egan is in trouble. He swung from suicidal in the bank to this gung-ho balls out guy after and he doesn’t seem to have much of a middle ground. He’s headed for an enormous fall.

I always have trouble with shows that do the whole masses of candles and flower petals thingy. My ever-too-practical brain is adding up how many candles there are, how much they cost in real life, how much space they take up in the car on the way home from the store, how long it takes to haul them in from the car, then the time it takes to set them all up, and then to go around lighting them…and can you get that many candles at one store, or would you have to run to three or four stores to get enough? Then what do you do with them all in between proposals and seductions? Do you leave them out all the time (an candles are a bitch to dust) or do you have a special closet set aside just for White Pillar Candles, asst. sizes? And then there is the worry about a trailing skirt catching on fire, especially when they are placed on stairways as they often are. And then, do you leave them burning while you repair to the bed for a night of passion, or do you go around and blow them all out first? And when you blow them all out, doesn’t all that smoke set off the smoke detector, and then if that weren’t bad enough, you have that lingering smoky smell…

God, my brain is a curse sometimes!

Also where do you get all those rose petals??

I think the question is, where does the average GUY get the rosepetals and candles? I mentioned this to a friend’s husband, and he said he wouldn’t even begin to know where to shop to find candles and rose petals…