Waking up with numb arm - is it harmful?

About 4-5 mornings per week I wake up with one (sometimes both) of my arms asleep/numb. Usually it’s because I sleep on my stomach with my arm under the pillow and it cuts off the circulation. Once I realize my arm is numb, I reposition and wait for it to regain function.
The fun part is when both arms are numb - ya gotta flop around to reposition. :smack:

Can it cause any long term problems?

IANAD but I have the same thing happen. Both arms is scary. Body parts falling asleep are almost never a problem with long-term damage. Nerves just shut down when circulation is restricted although the tissues still have enough to be fine. Almost everybody has limbs fall asleep at some point.

But you’re not cutting off circulation. All you’re doing is pinching a key nerve or two for a long period of time, cutting off sensation. It’s the same thing as ‘pis and needles’/you’re foot falling asleep, but for a whole limb, and odds are for a longer period of time, cause who knows how long you might have been sleeping on it.

Ah yes, the joys of waking up with “meat hand.” :slight_smile:

You call it “meat” hand? Care to explain?

I know it happens to other people - my only reason for concern was because it’s nearly every day.

I think “meat” hand means it feels like a disembodied slab of meat. This happens to me 3-4 nights a week for a few weeks, then I can go 2 months without it happening at all, then it happens again. It’s a little scary because not only can I not detect any sense of touch with that arm, but it’s cold. It’s like having a cadaver arm laying across your chest.

Because when you wake up with your arm totally numb, you hand feels like a piece of meat when you try to use it or when it touches another part of your body.

You can always have it amputated…

(Obscure reference)

I was going to use that “House” reference. You beat me to it.

I used to get this all the time until I changed my sleeping position. The position I was in when I fell asleep seeming to make a differenece. I haven’t had this for years.

At least is buys you enough time for a “stranger.” :stuck_out_tongue: