"Apocalypto": Anyone else excited about this film?

Apocalypto is Mel Gibson’s latest directorial effort, and is a film about pre-Columbian Central America (specifically, the Maya). It has an all Native American cast and is in Mayan with English subtitles.

I love films that try to portray Native Americans accurately, and this is a chapter of American history that no one seems to have touched upon in film yet. I didn’t care much for TPotC, but this one looks stunning and action packed. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it on Friday, but I’ll be going as soon as I can.

Anyone else looking forward to this, and what’s the buzz about it?

I’ve seen the trailers recently and yes, it looks very authentic, fast paced and absolutely brutal. In fact, I’m pretty sure the missus will opt out on this one. Waaay too violent.

While someday it’ll go into the home collection, for now I too am looking forward to the theatre experience. I think it’ll probably leave one emotionally drawn but with a far greater appreciation for the culture. One hope is that the reasons behind the violence are explained, that some understanding of the mindset and need for it is shared.

Nah. I think Gibson’s movies are boring.

I wasn’t interested until I saw the trailer. Looks interesting. Hopefully it won’t suck.

What I find especially interesting about this film is it takes place in pre-Columbian times. No Kevin Costner character like in Dances with Wolves. This is a pure Native American story told without any reference to Europeans. I’m sure Mel has taken lots of artistic license in portraying Mayan society, even if he has hired experts to help make it as authentic as possible, but just being able to see that society brought to life on some level will be a treat. I’d love to see a whole series about native Peoples-- Aztecs, Inca, Olmecs… There’s a wealth of material out there and we now have the technology to create ultra-realistic sets and even CGQ characters if needed. I’m really routing for this to be a good film so we open up that genre as a viable movie option.

I simply loathe Mel Gibson - and not just since his meltdown about Jews…nor just because of his homophobic comments years ago. Everything about Mel Gibson annoys me to no end.

However, I will probably watch this film when it appears on one of my premium cable channels. So I will get back to you with my review and comments - most likely sometime late in 2007.

I was really hoping we could keep this as a discussion about the movie itself, and not get into Mel Gibson bashing.

You asked if people were excited to see the movie…I said I would wait until it comes out on cable television and simply stated why I was waiting.

The trailers look amazing. The Gibson haters can hiss all they want; the man puts on a good show. I’m going this Saturday. What I liked most about the trailers is that they resemble the images I used to get in my head when reading Gary Jennings’ Aztec, and I wonder to what degree that book informed the film.

I can’t wait, just for the language. I lived in Yucatan off and on for several years, and picked up maybe twenty words of Maya (the Yucatec version – there are many). It will be fun to hear it for two hours on a big screen.

-- Nohoch Kep, a.k.a. [spoiler] big male member [/spoiler]

Mel Gibson makes bad movies. However, they usually generate enough discussion that I end up seeing them out of curiosity. And then hating myself in the morning.

Ditto, me too, preach it!

Every time I hear the tittle, I can’t help but think that Jimmy Buffett wrote the tittle song

I’m one of the original Mel Gibson haters. Some people grew up hating Tom Cruise, me? I grew up hating Mel Gibson. I have no idea why; part of it probably has to do with his father, I don’t lie about that but there was something off putting about his personality.

I didn’t care for The Passion of the Christ for a number of reasons but yeah, I’m excited. The trailer looks pretty good and the reviews aren’t all that bad. I’ll probably see it friday or saturday.

It’s getting good reviews. 82% at Rotten Tomatoes

Only 11 reviews, though. We’ll get a better idea this weekend when IMBD gets enough to post a rating. I have high hopes…

I don’t like Mel, but the movie does look interesting. There’s bound to be a torture scene or two though.

I saw the trailer before “Casino Royale” and it looks pretty interesting. The Maya are definitely overdue for a big-screen portrayal. Don’t think it’ll be for the faint-hearted, though. I expect I’ll see it, although not on opening weekend.

I just read the interview with MG in Entertainment Weekly, and he talks about the violence. He even mentions a scene that is so violent he believes most audience members won’t even see it, since they’ll be covering their eyes. What the hell is the point of that?!?!?

You get away with a lot of violence in the film. There are beheadings, people’s hearts being cut out, one guy getting his face chewed up by a jaguar…
The world is a violent place. Violence is a recurring part of our history. But this movie is not as violent as a chain-saw movie, not by a long shot. That’s just some teenager with pimples being hacked to death. This is less violent than Braveheart, I think. The sacrifices at the temple are puny in comparison to what they did to the guy on the rack in that movie. But I want people to close their eyes sometimes. There is one point where a guy jumps over a waterfall and brains himself on a rock. I don’t want people to watch that piece. I’ve given them plenty of time to close their eyes, because that’s really heinous.

What is it in there for, then?
Just in case you don’t blink.

Yeah, this one may be a rental for me…

Yeah, I’m pretty excited for it. He suckered me in with just how great the colors look on TV. Can’t wait to see that on film. Looks beautiful. I like seeing faces I’m not accustomed to on the big screen, too.

Also looking forward to Blood Diamonds.