Nose-picking etiquette

Ok, I am trying to decide to whom I should direct this complaint to at work. Until then, you all get to put up with my bitching.

Here at work, there is at least one person who picks his nose while using the bathroom. Now, this does not bother me, in and of itself. After all, if you are going to pick your nose, the bathroom seems like the most private place to do it.

The problem is with how I KNOW that at least one person picks his nose in the bathroom. You see, this neanderthal (or perhaps he’s even more devolved) WIPES IT ON THE WALLS!

There are dried boogers on every stall wall and even on the walls above the urinals. God help me, how could anybody be so oblivious to others? There are paper towels and toilet paper within reach at all times. Hell, if you are using a urinal, flick it IN the urinal. I don’t care what you do with it JUST DON’T LEAVE IT SOMEWHERE I WIll SEE IT!!

Ok, rant over. Now I have to go talk to our facilities manager about having the janitors wash the bathroom walls more often.

You’ve got to be joking. That’s just sick and wrong. EEYUGH Want to know who’s doing it, though? Bet if somebody checked under everyone’s chair they’d see a whole…gulp…colony of 'em under the booger-wiper’s. Erp.

And you know what the nasty culprit’s rationale would be? “At least I’m not EATING them.” Jeesh. My kids wouldn’t even do that. Geee-ross. You’ve got my sympathy. Disgusting-wise, that’s just shy of doing it in public. Blech.

This neanderthal should know that the proper etiquette for nose-picking is to roll the boogers into little balls between one’s fingers and to casually flick them across the room.

I think I work in the same office as you.

Proper NP etiquette also states that the depth may never exceed the first knuckle.

(sidelight) Did anyone else happen to see the time when, during Monday Night Football, the camera focused on a pretty blond in the stands? Just as Dandy Don, Howard and Frank were commenting on her beauty, she went for it by inserting a nicely polished fingernail deep into her right nostril.

Hilarity ensued.

In this computer science class I’m in right now, I have observed two individuals repeatedly picking their noses. One is this scruffy chinese grad student who wipes it on his shirt after his brazen guileless picks. The other guy is this balding pudgy guy who stealthily keeps his right hand near his mouth the whole class. Then, when he senses the right opportunity, the right pinky is slyly inserted into nostril for a good deep pick. Then, said pinky is slyly inserted into mouth.

It’s freakin’ hilarious.

I thought you rolled them between thumb and forefinger until they magically disappeared.

Just for the record, I’m not sure “nose picking” and “etiqette” ever really go together.

What does Miss Manners have to say on the subject?

When I worked at Domino’s, I would find boogers on the walls in the bathroom, which I also find incredibly disgusting. I finally one day came out of there and said to the group at large, “Eww! Somebody keeps puting their boogers on the wall. That is so nasty.” Whereupon one of the guys starts protesting about how it’s just dried up bodily fluids or some such nonsense (HA! Caught ya!), and I said you could wipe it on some toilet paper, not on the wall, because wiping it on the wall is thoroughly NASTY. It stopped after that.

So public embarrassment can work–even if you don’t know who’s doing it, you might get lucky like I did and have the offender right there when you’re saying it.

Used to have an incredibly disgusting boss. You’d have to go into his office and talk to him, and he would openly dig away inside his huge hairy nostrils, and then would casually fling his prize into his trash can (“ping”).

One time I got back from him a draft he had edited, and on the bottome of one of the pages there was a dried booger. (I actually photocopied the damn thing as proof of his disgustingness, but have since lost track of it.)

This must be a popular habit. The last two companies I have worked for have the same problem. In the exact same places. At least I don’t have to watch them in action. It amazes me how many people really go after it while driving in their cars. They must think that people can’t see through the windows!

I forgot about this. I’ve never had a boss like that, but my 6th grade teacher had some gifts. He’d scratch his butt in front of the class without even thinking about it. Anyway, if we were all working, he’d sit at his desk and use an unfolded paperclip to dig around. When he finished picking, he’d flick it at the trashcan and laugh. But if he caught anybody else doing something similar, he’d point them out and ask, “Digging for gold?”. Yep, what a guy. Never got boogers on my papers, though.

This reminds me of a practical joke I pulled on an aquaintance once. He was a very fastidious person, and was sitting in his chair talking to a group of people. I was across the room, peeling label tape off of some glass, when I noticed that the adhesive, when rolled between my fingers, perfectly resembled a booger. The fiendish plot was hatched.

I wandered over, as if interested in the story he was telling. I waited 'til I caught his eye and then pretended to casually ransack the old snotbox, and pull out a big fat ‘booger’. As he looked on distastefully, I rolled it around briefly and then flicked it at him. He jumped up out of his chair as if shot! The best part was it actually stuck to his shirt. He calmed down a little after I explained it to him, but it was priceless.

But as for the OP, I agree; it’s way gross. yesterday I was in the washroom, and right above the urinal someone had placed their prize possession. Next to it someone else had written: “A booger! This is so grade school!” I went back later and left a post-it note, indicating that so was writing on walls.

My father used to work with a guy who would pick his nose and then wipe the boogers on his socks. I guess that’s more considerate than wiping it on the wall. Sort of.

And Geobabe, please try to refrain from mentioning the words “boogers” and “Domino’s” in the same sentence. :slight_smile:

Ugh. Don’t read this thread after eating dinner. feeling green

Do I live in a nice part of the country or something? I never see anyone picking their nose. Then again, I found candy wrappers and chocolate all over my Calculus book. Blech. Mean teacher wouldn’t give me a new book either… grumbles

I just looked at my post/sig match. Don’t get any ideas!

EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!! So many gross people apparently. I really like your practical joke, VB. That was priceless!

I have a related, really gross story to tell. Sorry, Mr Bear, but you shouldn’t have done it.

One day, several years ago, we were sitting in the living room talking. Our kids were there too. I was on the couch, and Mr Bear was in the chair about 5 ft away. He suddenly let out one of the huge, loud sneezes he’s famous for, and I heard a SPLAT! and felt something on my leg.

Glancing down, I discover the BIGGEST booger I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing…ON MY LEG. All together now: EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!! :eek:

He started laughing at the look on my face, the kids fell on the floor laughing, and I was not that amused. I made him get a kleenex and clean off my leg. I suppose I should be grateful that it didn’t land on my face or something. I soon saw the humor in it, and was laughing along with the rest.

The toilets in the women’s restroom at work used to have really wimpy water pressure, so if you didn’t press on the handle for a long time, you’d end up with left-overs.

I finally got tired of seeing uh… “toilet left-overs” so I went and stuck a sign in all the stalls. It read something like, “These toilets do not flush well. Please make sure to hold the handle down until everything has flushed.”

After that, I rarely saw any left-overs.

You might consider doing something similar:

“Please use toilet paper when picking your nose. The wall is not the place to leave your boogers.”

If this person is so disgusting as to festoon the walls with his nasal adornments, then I’m guessing he doesn’t pay much attention to any other personal hygiene, like washing his hands. If nothing else, you can probably take satisfaction in knowing that he is constantly jamming germs and viruses up his nostril, and has constant maladies as a result.

One thing that always cracked me up is people that feel that it is perfectly OK to excavate in full view of others, as long as they drape a tissue over their finger. Does this make it any more appealing? I mean, you’re still picking your nose, damnit! Except now, it looks like some kind of twisted sock puppet show. Yeesh!