I Pit the Pampered Chef Party I went to

I went to a Pampered Chef party a few weekends ago at a friends house, had loads of fun filled out my order, (about $200 worth) hung out with my friend went home later. Got my stuff on Sunday-whoo hoo! So I get a call today from the lady who ran it that my check bounced. Ok, I will take care of it when I get paid at the end of the month or hubby will take care of it. Do people not listen and see that those of us who work in a school don’t get paid every 2 weeks like others? We get paid once a fucking month! I told her I would take care of it and she calls back saying no good. Yeah so she doesn’t know me from “Jack” and I don’t know her. She wants cash ASAP. My friend who had the party said she would talk to her and let her know I am good for it and I don’t plan on calling her back tonight or I’ll bite her fucking head off. Who hasn’t bounced a check? I’m not gonna flake on her by any means. I will take care of it. I just needed to vent since half my day was a day from Hell. :mad:

you bounced a fucking $200 check and want a pass from me? sorry. you got your non essential toys and have the fucking gall to be pissed that the person wants to be paid for it? are you fucking aware that the person probably has bank fees for YOUR fucking asinine behavior?

Financially responsible people.

I have a service from my bank. I can’t bounce a check.

Doesn’t cost any extra.

The saleslady is on the hook with Pampered Chef for that $200, and she doesn’t know you from Eve, I suspect.

If I bounced a check on anything, much less overpriced kitchen gear at a friend’s party, I’d be ashamed, not pissed at the person who wanted to get paid. Yes, I have bounced checks before. I have also been on once-a-month pay schedules before. The former is not related to the latter, and the rare bounces were “you really have to get your shit together financially” wake-up calls for me, not minor irritations I expected other people to deal with.

Whee! This will end well. Well, the thread is already in the right forum for future responses. Do you not keep your register with your checkbook or something?


I’ll bet there’s no probably about it. My mother wrote me a bad check for $50 one birthday, and it bounced, hitting me with a $35 fee. Thanks, mom. :rolleyes: And she wonders why I shred all the checks she sends me. :dubious:

I’ve been a struggling student and have had money tight at times. At those times, I haven’t bought $200 worth of things I didn’t desperately need. When I was over-extended financially, I used a credit card or took money out of savings.

It’s just part of being a responsible person, really, and anyone who writes a bad check will instantly be seen as somewhat questionable when it comes to responsibility. I wouldn’t trust somebody to be “good for it” if they’d already screwed me over once with a bounced check.

What fucking ever, I needed to vent so I did. I don’t need anyone’s BS.

I’m not asking for a pass from you asinine asshole.

Ever stop and think that this is what the saleslady is thinking? No really, I’m serious. Selling that stuff is a rough job if you want to make any money, and the bank fees she got from that bounced check probably more than wiped out any profit she might make from the sale even after she collects.

Then fucking blog this incident, block comments, and rant to your pathetic little heart’s content. Just don’t open a Pit thread about it, if you don’t want to get shit, if you want to bitch when YOU are the jerk in the situation.

You fucked up. The person who is calling you for the money? She’s right. You’re wrong. And then you opened a Pit thread, when the lady you stiffed should be Pitting YOU. So suck it up, because you’re going to get a pile-on here. Might want to ask a Mod to close it or you might have to cry about it.

My god. $200 worth of shit from Pampered Chef on an empty bank account. Idiot.

sure you are. you posted a rant complaining about some one else’s behavior when you were the total fucking asshole, in so many ways. and you don’t even have the maturity to realize you fucked up, but blame everyone else.

grow the fuck up.

Any mods on right now, feel free to close this thread as of right now. I vented and now I am not going to even bother replying anymore. So please close it. Happy now?

Oh yeah, we’re fucking THRILLED. We don’t give a shit, except that people like you make it harder for everyone. Way to take responsibility, Sparky.

By Og! I hope they don’t.

You deserve all the shit that gets flung, monkey style, at you.

You had less than $200 bucks to your name and yet you wrote a check for $200 for luxury items???

And when the check bounced, you expected:

  1. the seller to not be alarmed and:

  2. your husband to take care of it??

Lady, you are a spoiled brat and a fuckwit. I feel sorry for your husband.

I simply don’t understand how you bounce a check. Simple addition and subtraction. You either have it or you don’t.

Oh, and OP you look really stupid right now.

At the very least, are you going to own up to your mistake and offer to pay any bounced-check fees she may have incurred? Apologies are empty if you don’t at least try to correct past wrongs, and that’s probably your first, best step to redemption.

Moderators: I respectfully request that this thread NOT be deleted at the demand of the red-faced angry four year old (aka the OP) who is throwing a tantrum here.

She came charging on here and made complete fool of herself. Now she wants the thread deleted because everyone isn’t agreeing with her asinine behavior.


If she can’t take the heat, she should stay out of the BBQ pit.