Tomndebb is one weaselly mother fucker…

… and it’s not just me that noticed.

Tom you kind of remind me of Rush Limbaugh, just sitting back and criticizing your opposition while keeping your own irrationalities hid as best you can. Well to be fair to Rush he doesn’t hide his irrationalities quite like you do. By your post count it’s not like you lack the time to discuss what beliefs you think are fitting a Christian or which ones you hold. In fact you’ll argue at length to avoid mentioning your beliefs. Must be you just lack the courage.

I know I’ve said all this before, but since others are noticing now, and since you decided to moderate me, again without my breaking any rules, I figured it was worth saying again. As for magellan01’s question above, I think your belly is pretty calloused, but now it’s starting to show.

I’ll also ask you again to cite where it is against the rules in GD to suggest you and another debate an issue in a new thread. And if such a rule does not exist, don’t you think telling me there is one, is an example of jerk like behavior, especially for a mod?

For once I’m glad you DON’T provide a link; I think I prefer remaining in the dark on this one. Also, it makes you look like a crazy person howling in the dark, which is a plus.

Welcome back, badchad, I guess. Got a link? 'Cos Og knows I’m not interested enough in you to try to find for myself what you’re on about this time…

Yeah, that’s a wonderful crew, isn’t it? You, Braintree, and magellan01. I’ve wondered for some time now why the other mods just haven’t banned you for your persistent attacks out of nowhere on tomndebb. The others in your little crew above evidence approximately same level of logical or coherent thought. That is: zilch.

But I’m glad you started this thread so I can tell you here: I hope you get sacked for your stupidity, your dishonesty, and just your plain jerkishness.

Oh, he’s just whining yet again for getting told to quit hijacking stuff to continue his petty and irrational complaining against tom. I’m sure you guessed that already, though.

Triplets? Joined at the hip? Sharing the same brain? Because the pointless (as in lacking in valid points) blather is indistinguishable no matter which name is on it.

Damn dude, when did you come back. LTNS

Ha ha, Monty calls me stupid and irrational. Aren’t you a Mormon Monty?

It has long been considered jerk behavior to post a “Let’s you and him fight” post. It is no more than I expect of you to whine when told to refrain from rude behavior. I am also unsurprised that you have interrupted a thread in GD with multiple posts that serve no purpose other than to attack me. That, however, will stop, one way or another. (The Pit is here. If your life is unfulfilled when you are not attacking me, feel free to avail yourself of this Forum.)

Anyone need more proof that badchad is a jerk? Anyone? Anyone? Beuler? Nope. Thought not.

Bolding Mine…that sounds suspiciously like a threat to the uninitiated. Having read the other thread I am also interested in seeing the posed questions answered, and as someone who is both (seemingly) knowledgeable and articulate I would like to you answer the questions tomndeb - unless of course the unholy trilogy are correct and you are scared of a debate.

“Let’s you and him fight” are your words not mine. I just suggested that you and him debate, in what was a debate forum. Why would that be jerk behavior?

And while were at it, how about a cite.

Does this mean you’re making tom~ your next project badchad? I know you feel you achieved “victory” over Polycarp, have you moved on to another target?


Monty, if you think you can make an argument that Mormonism isn’t stupid or irrational, then I invite you to start a thread on the subject. Let me make a prediction, your strongest argument will be that it’s no more stupid or irrational than Christianity.

What difference, jerk, does its validity have on the simple fact of you being a jerk?

It was a threat. If badchad insists on continuing to interrupt threads to attack other posters–even Mod type posters–he will be Warned, then given a time-out, then Banned.

I do not follow badchad around objecting to his attacks on religion or even otherwise criticizing him; he seeks me out to try to bait me into the types of discussions in which I routinely do not engage, and he generally does it by not participating in the topics of the those threads, attempting, instead, to hijack threads on other topics to discuss my beliefs.

He can stop misbehaving on his own or with assistance. I am not going to pursue him around the SDMB or GD, but I will not permit him to be a jerk with impunity.

The thread in question is on the topic of whether schools (in the U.S.) should teach courses about religion. braintree and I have disagreed regarding a specific claim he has made regarding what would need to be taught regarding Christianity. That discussion is a bit of a hijack, although it is related to the topic. My personal beliefs are irrelevant to that discussion. badchad has sporadically attempted to get me to discuss my personal beliefs for over two years. Since I do not discuss such beliefs with anyone else, I see no reason to attempt to discuss them with him–especially since he takes a very simplistic view of religion, ignoring history, literature, anthropology, and even theology when he talks about religion, so he is rather frustrated that I will not play his game. That is his problem, not mine. His being a jerk is a problem for both of us, one that either of us can solve. I would prefer that he choose to solve it himself.

This thread makes baby Jesus cry.

Sorry. You have already established that it would be a waste of my time. You whined and whined that I was “making up” a rule when I told you not to deliberately hijack threads. I then posted references to seven separate threads in which posters had been Warned by other Mods and told to top hijacking those threads. You ignored the evidence I presented and went back to whining that I was “inventing” a rule just for you. Since I know in advance that you will ignore evidence and then lie that none has been presented, I feel no compulsion to do more work for you to ignore and lie about.

You can tell ol’ 'chad’s loving to hijack stuff. Look at the hijack he just pulled of his own thread above!