Wet dreams

Is it unusual for a man to have never had a wet dream? My girlfriend suggested that I had one when I woke almost urinating, but I was pretty sure that was urination and not ejaculation. Is it directly proportional to masturbation? I suggested to her that I relieve myself often enough to not have such dreams.

Nothing solid, but some speculation from Kinsey:

So basically, you masturbate too much for wet dreams. :slight_smile:

I have a mildly interesting anecdote about wet dreams. The night I caught my semi-girlfriend ‘cheating’ (the relationship was kind of in a grey area) I had a nocturnal emission. I think my subconscious was trying to avenge me.

The problem with most self dream analysis is that you won’t remember the vast majority of them. It isn’t like you wake up drenched or anything or at least I rarely have. I know I have something like a wet dream now but it pisses me off and wakes me up. Whoever the heroine is backs off at the last minute. I am not sure about full ones for myself either.

I’ve only ever had one that I know of. Otherwise all systems are go,

I wish.

Second that wish. Never had one, to my knowledge. Dreams involving even R-rated sex seem extremely rare. This is true whether masturbation or other sex is daily or hasn’t happened for weeks.

Another data point: I’ve never had a wet dream. Sex dreams are also a rarity for me (perhaps three times a year at the most).

Although, in the past year I’ve had two sex dreams, something I’ve never had before. And both involve rear entry to a woman, one an ex cow-orker I would never have touched with a barge pole and the other my girlfriend :confused:

And lets not forget the paintballing dream my philosopher girlfriend deconstructed to show me up as a completely sexist powermonger :dubious:

Never had one. Have sex dreams as often as any other “type” of dream.

I had at least one (possibly a couple, can’t remember) when I was a teenager, but never since.

Lately I’m on a bit of a non-masturbatory marathon though, so I will be sure to let you know about anything that unexpectedly comes out of my penis.

I think I had one or two when I was in my early teens, but none since. I do have sex dreams every couple months, in which I ejaculate in the dream but not in reality.

To the best of my knowledge I have never had one. While I do sometimes have sex dreams - AFAIK I always wake up before the big finish. (even in my sleep I can’t get laid! :smiley: )

I’ve never had one, either. Sex dreams are very rare…I must have had more than one, but only one is memorable.

Been a while now, but my personal experience, ignoring observer error, has been that wet dream and masturbation frequencies are inversely proportional.

So I keep my masturbation frequency high to avoid those pesky wet dreams, and reduce my risk of prostate cancer. Yeah, those are my sole reasons for masturbating.

Here’s an old thread in which the subject was discussed, and in which I gave up masturbation for two weeks (in the name of science) to see if that would be long enough to prompt a wet dream.

It didn’t, which surprised me.

I haven’t had one since I was maybe 16 or 17. But I do have sex dreams frequently, and as Khadaji mentioned, I too always awake before the big finish. And believe me, it’s impossible to go back to sleep and try to reestablish the dream. :frowning:

I saw a comedian in the '80’s- I forget who- but he did a bit about this. His line was something like:

The other night I was having a great dream- I was naked, in a swimming pool, with Christy Brinkley. All of a sudden I woke up and I tried desperately to get back to sleep and back into the dream. It worked, but everything was off just a bit- I ended up naked, shooting pool with David Brinkley. It kind of sucked.

My first orgasm was a nocturnal emission. After that, no more (wet dreams that is). Sucks :frowning:

I have had them five or six times per month since puberty- much more frequently when my schedule is too busy for waking action. I recommend them.

This means succubi are stealing your seed.