Joan Baez banned at Walter Reed hospital

Because of course, all wounded servicemen hate Joan Baez. And those damn Dixie Chicks, let’s ban them too.

How about an all Toby Keith marathon, yeah, that’s the ticket!!

Someday, peace will not be unpatriotic. Someday.

I like Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks. Sometimes I just want to haul off and put a boot in my own ass :(.

The linked story says that the army spokesman said she was not allowed to play because she was not included in the original contract, and that they didn’t get a request to add her until two days before the event. They apparently didn’t like the short notice. They might even be telling the truth. The headline on the Yahoo story says “banned”, but the story itself doesn’t support that.

The don’t need no liberal, tree-huggin’ folk singer.
They should just get Dubya to pull out his Rolodex and flip through and find all those big name celebrity performers who are 100% behind him…then simply pick from any number of them and…


Never mind.

Toby Keith isn’t a fan of the Iraq war.

How does that square with what they told John Mellecamp:

Somebody is lying. And “She can’t fit here, period.” means she is banned. Period.

Joan Baez said that she was told she was not welcome 4 days before the event, so (if both sides are telling the truth) the Army is being very pro-active. It’s good to know that they have contingency plans ready for every emergency, including left-wing singers visiting military hospitals.

The troops were disappointed when they heard Jay-Z wasn’t going to be there. When they realized it was Bae-Z, not so much.

Who gives a shit. This visit was for her ego, not the troops. Do you think you could find one injured soldier who wanted to see her? You would probably have a hard time finding one that heard of her.

You’re right, they would much rather read old copies of Star & Stripes for the fouth time. The entertainment in a military hospital is so varied and plentiful, they are probably grateful the PTB are looking out for them.

Just where I was headed. That woman hasn’t been musically relevant in 30 years ferchristssake. The 23 year old kid with his leg in a cast doesn’t want to hear some wispy, dried up old hippie chick, he wants Kid Rock, or Jay-Z or hell, even Toby Keith, but I’d doubt that anyone there (other that the dinosaurs in administration) would even know who she was.

Facts? We don’t need your facts here, bub. A LIBERAL HAS BEEN SLIGHTED!

As much as I might like Joan Baez’s politics, I think to make the wounded vets listen to her voice would be undeserved punishment. If she wants to sing, she should get her legal eagles to get the contracts in place when they’re due. If you did that and then was told not to come, she might have a point.

“Slighted”! oh, good! For a second there, I thought it was a liberal had been “sighted”, and you were calling in the coordinates…

Yeah, only right-leaning Republicans are allowed to perform. From USAToday:

Emphasis added.

I have a lot of respect for Joan Baez, actually. She never fell into the trap of wishing for the victory of our enemies in the Vietnam War, unlike some of her contemporaries, and she wasn’t shy about taking them to task when their awful human rights abuses became clear in the 1970s. She alienated a lot of her old friends by doing that.

That said, the DoD and the USO have a mission through their offices that handle these kinds of things to entertain the troops, and the first thing they do is look for groups the troops will listen to. They might not even need to be popular ones - but they will need to be ones that will play music the troops will like.

Joan Baez does not cut the mustard in this regard. If she wanted to come to the hospital and visit troops, I doubt anyone would stop her, but stopping her from playing her guitar and singing is completely justified.

I read Mellencamp’s response to that. He said she was on the bill a long time ago and they told him “She won’t fit here. Period.” (not sure if that’s an exact quote, but it’s close).

I agree that no one cares about her musically, but I can’t believe that all the wounded troops are in favor of the war. In fact, the last I heard, soldier support had dropped dramatically. So from a peace-nik point of view, I think she’d probably be welcomed by the troops. Which is probably why the authorities don’t want her around.

Well, sure. I believe that. But I think that’s because soldiers in their twenties do not want to hear folk music.

If you were booking acts for a nursing home show, you’d tell your nu-metal bands to go somewhere else, wouldn’t you?

Can’t quite let you get away with that, Moto.

There were many attempts by doctrinaire Commies of various stripes to take control of the anti-war movement, only to be frustrated by the same dynamic that prevents you from herding cats. It served the purposes of…certain segments of the political spectrum shall we say… to pretend that the anti-war movement was dominated by the left, and the left was controlled by Moscow, but it wasn’t so. Hadn’t been so for some time, if ever. The radicals got all the attention, media wise, Bernadine Dohrn was more interesting the William Sloane Coffin.

Joan sprang from the New England lefty-pacifist tradition, rather genteel, wouldn’t know how to make a Molotov cocktail, much less throw one. The allies she had in the “red” left…the kind of people who were inclined to overlook the savagery of the VC and the NLF for reasons of “solidarity”…were not “friends” anymore than the Weathermen were “friends” of Peter, Paul, and Mary.

The people who denounced her stand on Viet Nam’s civil rights stance were dinosaur lefties, holdovers from the Stalinist era, people who could use phrases like “dictatorship of the proletariat” with a straight face. Bitter tears were not shed.

You know, Moto, you ever really want to know anything about leftys, you could ask one. Its legal now, so we’re more open about it.