What Madame Defarge Has Been Up To Lately -- A Yarny MMP

So I’ve been on more of a knitting binge than usual lately. Not only do I find it incredibly relaxing – I can sit and knit and find myself completely “in the zone” for long periods of time – but it’s also fun to watch beautiful things coming off the end of my knitting needles.

I’d never done anything crafty until whiterabbit was a baby. I was complaining one day to a friend that I was bored with just housework and baby, and finally, in exasperation, she said, “Oh, why don’t you go learn to crochet or something!” So I went out, bought a book, crochet hook, and a pile of cheap yarn, and taught myself to crochet by crocheting a ripple afghan in three days. It started off loose at one end and got tighter and tighter at the other, but my dad insisted it was perfect to cover his lap and so kept it for all these years. My mom still has it.

Anyway, I crocheted for a while, then tried cross-stitch, which I enjoyed, but finally picked up knitting and found my true crafting love. I’ve been knitting now for probably 20 years, off and on; I had to quit for a few years when arthritis in one thumb made it too painful, but I had surgery on that thumb and it doesn’t hurt at all now, so the first thing I did when I could use my hand again was pick up some knitting needles. I’ve knitted an assortment of sweaters and shawls and whatnot over the years, but have never tried accumulating a stock of knitted stuff to sell at craft shows – until now.

So what’s the first thing you need to knit? Yarn. Lots and lots of yarn. I’ve been indulging myself recently, getting small quantities of this and that. There are a zillion gorgeous yarns out there. And I got a ball winder and swift so I can ball up the yarn easily – when you’re dealing with lace-weight yarns, there’s a LOT of yardage there to deal with.

And then to make it most fun of all, I’ve started working on knitting lace. Which was a massive struggle at first, since I’m left-handed and I do everything backwards, but I’ve finally figured out how to reverse all the patterns and it’s starting to happen now.

So here are some of the pretty things I’ve knitted recently:

An entrelac (basketweave-style) shawl from Noro Silk Garden yarn that I gave to whiterabbit as a thank-you for taking care of me after my knee surgery.
The basketweave scarf that I knitted for Papa Tigs just in time for spring to arrive.
Another cabled scarf that doesn’t show properly in the photo for some reason, but the cabling is really intricate.
A surprisingly simple diamonds and mesh scarf.
Another amazingly simple diagonal lace scarf – I fell in love with this yarn at my local Very Expensive Yarn Shop, and just had to bring it home and find something pretty to do with it.
My first leaf lace pattern scarf – it’s small but was a great learning experience.
A more elaborate small Forest Canopy shawl, lots of leaves in a triangular shape.
My current project underway: The Moonlight Sonata shawl, which is an intricate pattern that produces circles-within-circles – also a real learning experience, obviously!
And, of course, last but definitely not least, the Flying Spaghetti Monster with all His noodly appendages!

So as you can see, I’m trying lots of stuff and playing around a whole bunch, and having way too much fun. It’ll be a few months before I have enough stuff stocked up to sell, but it will definitely be fun when I finally get there!

Damn girl, lay off the coffee. You posted the MMP while it was still Sunday!

yawns I’m goin’ back to bed.

Soon’s I finish turning the heel of this sock.

It’s not Sunday here, it’s been Monday for nearly two hours. And if you expect me to get up early enough to satisfy all the early birds around here, you are sadly mistaken. :smiley:

So what kind of socks are you working on? I haven’t tried socks – turning a heel scares me silly for no known reason.

Oooh, I’m loving this MMP already. I’m drooling over those yarns, Mamatigs. Beautiful colors.

I have a ballwinder but no swift. My hand knitting is pretty bad, but I have a Bond frame that I used to work on a long time ago that still works. I tried it a few months ago, but haven’t made anything on it yet. Oh yeah, now I remember why. I forgot how to do a few important steps and the video that I used before doesn’t work at the moment. So I’ll have to get the video restored or get more instruction materials. A looooong time ago, I made a couple sweaters on the Bond frame and a massive amount of samplers and that was major fun.

I lurves looking at yarns. It’s a thing.

I think you’ve almost inspired me to dig out the afghan I started crocheting…um…counts fingers…8 years ago.

Looking at all that yummy yarn makes me want to learn how to knit or crochet or something. Maybe I’ll start weaving again. And the FSM is so handsome!

Mama T, you’ve almost inspired me to dig out my knitting too, but only almost. It’s been so many years since I did any knitting, I may not know how anymore. I still have a big plastic box under the bed full of yarn. Maybe I should donate it to one of the doper knitters…
I’m glad you got in early, because it’s still my birthday. Hubby brought me two bouquets of flowers. One of roses and the other spring flowers. He also couldn’t decide on a card, so he got two. I didn’t feel like going out to dinner, so we’ll go tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be difficult, but I’m doing ok with it so far. I’m truely grateful to everyone for support in last week’s MMP.
I’m off to bed now. I hope I can sleep.

picunurse, I forgot to tell you last week what a beautiful picture you posted. I’m wishing you peace and happiness tomorrow.

It wasn’t Sunday, it was 7:33am on Monday! I’d been awake for two whole hours!

The things you knit sure look at lot more fun than Mom’s. She has the classic penchant for sweaters that never quite fit :stuck_out_tongue: and still can’t quite remember that I hate woollen jackets - even more if they’re long-haired wool (we’ve only been putting up with each other for 39 years and change).
ETA: {{{{{{{picu}}}}}}}}

8:33. Trump that. But I had only been up for 1:45, so you win. You also get up insanely early :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice OP, Mama Tiger (hey, you earned your stripes today!) – I actually learned how to knit as a boy, but haven’t laid hands on a pair of needles in 30 years.

:eek: I’m getting old. :eek:

{{{{picunurse}}}} I know it’s a terrible day for you today; hang in there. I’m sure I’m speaking for everybody when I say we’re all here for you this week, too – and every other day of the year as well.

And I hope it’s not in bad taste to wish you a (toned down) happy birthday.

Wow, what pretty yarns! And what a fun OP! I learned to knit when I was little, but never practiced enough to get things right. I keep thinking I should re-learn properly, but I have so many other things to do… In the meantime, I live vicariously through all you talented Doper knitters.

More hugs for picu. Keep us posted on how you’re doing today. And how sweet of hubby to opt for double birthday flowers and cards.

It cannot be 7:33 or 8:33 as it is currently 6:16! :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’m getting ready for work. A lovely early start. I hope.


Jake OP there BioTigs! FSM is just jakely jake! I say picu should donate the yarn to you in exchange for sump’n purty. Sounds like a win/win all the way!

{{{piicu}}} I didn’t do my usual silly loud “Happy Birthday” cause, well, I know it’s always a sad time for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Hubby did good with the double flowers and cards. Us cool kids care about ya. It’s cause we’re nice dammit!

Up and caffienatin’ here. Been up since five a.m. Then again I went to bed not long after my last post in the old MMP and slept really good. I pulled an all nighter! Didn’t get up even once to pee! :smiley:

I once attempted to learn to crochet. Couldn’t get the hang of it. I think it’s a combo of bein’ lefthanded and having two thumbs as well as eight fingers that aspire to be thumbs.

What a great OP, MamaTigs, and some lovely pics. I never really took to knitting, my mother tried teaching me when I was much younger but it was not a great success. She blames it on the fact I’m left-handed and she’s not, so I found it more difficult to do things that would come more naturally to a right-handed person.

I tried cross-stitch for a while and enjoyed it but I gave up in the end because I had trouble keeping the threads and the cats separate! Now most of what I do is related to making fancy dress outfits, but at least it keeps me busy.

That FSM looks fantastic though, I won’t show the pic to 'im indoors 'cos he’ll be mightily jealous!

This morning I had an appointment at the recruitment agency to do skills tests and stuff - wasn’t too difficult and they said I had some of the best scores they’d seen in ages which is especially good for 9am on a Monday! See, I’s a clever old stick, I is.

They have one position they’re sending my CV off to immediately but not much else at the moment. The other jobs they’ve got that I am suited to are offering less money than I’m earning now so that wouldn’t be a sensible move. I’m not desperate to move (as in, redundancy isn’t looming) so I can be prepared to wait for the right job to come along. I just hope it doesn’t take too long.

{{{{{picu}}}}} - today may be a tough day for you, but tomorrow will be easier, and we will still all be here for you.

That’s a lot of knitting. A whole hell of a lot of it. You could fill a store with it all.

picu I know you’ll be okay today.

A sailboat caught fire in the river not far from my house yesterday and we lost power for about two hours. Sometimes things happen that just defy explanation.

My goodness, you are a knitting TALENT MamaTigs! That’s some beautiful work there!

Please forgive me all, especially picu, because I didn’t keep up last week. Can someone update me, or point me toward a pertinent post on Picunurse?

I’m home on “vacation” this week. Me and the three howler monkeys, I mean Cherry Children. The park and the pool are on the agenda. Maybe even some baking! I’m feeling ambitious. Lil Baby Cherry (age 2-1/2) was very helpful, truly, with mixer when we made crepes yesterday for breakfast. Behold, my spatula prodigy! :slight_smile:

rosie, re a question of yours last week - try calling the local university’s agriculture department.

Or geography.

Yes, geography!

My ISO12000 teacher had a PhD in Geography and his thesis was a study on weather patterns for “as far as the oldest tree we could find” (over 2000 years!). He’d bore a very thin hole in a tree, extracting a very thin strip of tree, all the way to its core. They could see what years had been wet, which dry, as well as tree illnesses and other things. He once had to ask five people for permission to bore a single oak tree - each owned a different amount of tree, but he needed permission from all five. Galician minifundismo (teeny weeny fields) at its best!


You two, BioRosie and Rigs. Keep getting better. Mom Tigs, if you’re taking orderd for FSMs, sign me up.

As y’all know, I had an ambulance shift yesterday. I rode with Lorraine, another hottie, 'cept she’s legal :cool: She’s also the one first on the scene a couple week’s ago when Amy’s son was killed, and she had to pronounce them. Lorraine was a basket case at the funeral, and much sympathy and support went to her.

Anyways, I got to the station at 0500, my required time. I got a nifty new trauma bag that I ordered, and started out by stocking it. my idea is to have enough stuff in it to treat 2 people with medium injuries in a car wreck. It’s a big bag, but even then I couldn’t get everything in that I wanted, nor was there everything in stock.

In the middle of this, Lorraine walked into the stockroom and said hi. I immediately asked her how she was doing, trying very hard to not sound flirty. She said fine with some inainities thrown in, and even now, I don’t know if she knew what I was really asking. Maybe she did.

I told her what I was doing, and I’d be down in a few minutes. When I got downstairs, she was racked out on the couch. I read and dozed. Round about 9, sleepyhead Lorraine woke up, and the most important task of the day was started, that being breakfast. We were a crew of 4, the other two being Josh, a regular EMT, and Mark my classmate.

We went to the only open place in the county, ate, and told dirty jokes. Hilarity ensued. Just as we were finishing, we got our first page, for an elderly guy who broke his leg, with obvious deformity. All of us went :eek:

When we got to the scene, GrandPop was sitting on his bed in his undies, his knees pointing forward, and his left foot pointed to the side. In four part harmony, we said, “Ho-o-o-o yeah, that’s broken…”

GrandPop was trying to get out to the kitchen when he blacked out and fell. He hit his head and shoulder, and broke his leg. Mark took vitals and history, Josh and I splinted his leg, and then all of us put him on a backboard because of the fall and the head impact. He was a little guy, so just Josh and I were needed to carry him down the hall to the stretcher.

Under way in the unit, I noticed that despite the SAM splint (a padded aluminum sheet that you mold to the extremity) on his leg, that darned foot of his was flopping around (not good), and turning purple (even worse). I suggested to Lorraine that we add some additional splinting to keep his foot still, and she said yes. Mark and I added some traditional board splints, and that did the trick. A few moments after we were done, I observed the purpling in his foot was gone, and I could feel a weak pulse on the top of his foot, so we did good.

Before we handed him off to the ER folk, I asked him if we could come back to sign his cast. :slight_smile:

So we headed back to the station, and much butt picking ensued. Naps, studying, and annoying TV were all pursuits of the afternoon. Just when we thought we were going to get out with one run, we were paged again, with 20 minutes to go. The complaint was that a neighbor was told to call 911, and we had no clue what we were headed to. About halfway to the call, the neighbor called in again, and said the patient was being taken to the hospital by private vehicle, and we weren’t needed. :cool:

Headed back to the station, and 5 minutes to go, paged again. A 10 year old kid had a cut on his leg from knee to ankle, and it was on the other side of the county.

I’ve heard calls involving kids are tough. Most of us are parents, and the ones who aren’t are aunts and uncles. It’s instinctive, no matter whose kid it is, to take it personally. This was my first taste.

The kid was definitely cut. It went through the skin and the fat layer well into his muscles, and you could see almost everything. Fortunately for us, he missed the arteries, and there was not a lot of blood.

He was horseplaying like a regular kid, and met up with an exposed nail sticking out of a fencepost. He was lying on the ground with the leg bound up in a couple of shirts, nearly hysterical.

I cut away the two shirts, washed the cut with some sterile water to get out the bugs and grass, and we bound his leg. More splints to immobilize the leg, and then we backboarded him for our convenience to carry him across a ditch to the stretcher.

I got to wash out one of his eyes, because there was a bug in it. The ER nurses were puzzled by the backboard until we explained about having to carry him across the ditch.

I got home around 7 PM, and VWife was in her usual snit because I was late. Oh well. :rolleyes:

In other news, a sizeable chunk of the rescue squad went to the state EMS convention, and brought home several trophies. The chief was even named Chief of the Year, too. :cool:

Great OP, MamaTigs! It takes real skill to knit a deity. I have a day of laundry planned. I might clean the bathroom if I feel bored.

Great MMP, MamaTigs! The FSM is so cute!!

picunurse, hugs and positive thoughts.

I had a really mundane nightmare about losing my bag. It was terrifying at the time, but then I woke up and thought to myself, “Wow, that is one boring nightmare.” I think it might be some vestige of paranoia left over from my whole bag-snatching incident - oddly enough I haven’t thought about it for quite a while now.

I got my work permit card in the mail, yay! It was validated last Monday, so I’ll probably be able to receive backpay for last week, at least. It sucks that I had to work for free for an entire month, but c’est la vie.

Have a tolerable Monday, everyone! :slight_smile:


Isn’t that, like, illegal? The making you work as normal but without paying you, I mean, not the Monday.