Let's pretend Norman Hsu is a Republican

Is the studious ignoring getting difficult yet?

And you’re point is?

You know exactly what my point is, Jon.

Nah. Most of your target audience are pros at that game.

Clinton got a blow job.

Well, then, I guess there’s no need to go any further with this thread.

What are y’all talking about?

Jees, and people say I’m cryptic.

Ok, I’ll take the next step in the dance and spell it out for those who wish to pretend that they don’t already know it.

If Hsu were a Republican, this board would be full of threads. They would be citing conspiracy theories, indignantly calling for investigations, calling names and generally engaging in an orgy of “See! I told you so!!!”.

Hsu is a fundraiser for the “right people”. So ideological purity counts more than intellectual integrity.

What are y’all talking about?

Norman Hsu is a prolific fundraiser for the Democrats.

Can I get a link? I have no clue who Norman Hsu is.

Thank you, Evil One.

Surely someone as non-partisan as yourself would provide a decent explanation as to why this person should be reviled, rather than turning this into to Tu Quoque fest?

My understanding is that Hsu was on the run for grand theft years ago. Sure he is a criminal and sure he gave money to Dems. What we don’t have is corrupt government officials taking bribes to conduct illegal acts. So yeah, republican or Democrat this is not that big of a deal.

Since the Democrats are donating Hsu’s personal campaign contributions to charity, I still see a guy that got caught trying to influence others and failed.

We also have questions about whether he is a “bundler”, i.e. a money launderer of campaign money to get around campaign finance law. At least some of us do. Those who support the people he gave money to would like the “We are totally shocked and gave the money to charity” explanation to stand and for the rest of us to just move along.

This story has been in the national news for over a week. I decided to start a pit thread on the subject because the intellectual double-standard on this board when it comes to things ideological is becoming quite glaring.

Did he break campaign finance law? If so, are the people he gave money to complicit? Shall we find out?

Just out of curiosity, how many pit threads have you started about conservative politicians?

Why didn’t you start a thread on this a week ago, then? And I don’t mean a thread about how the board is disgustingly lefty, but a thread genuinely discussing Hsu?

I think the last one I started was the one about the Tillman investigation calling for the probe to nail those as high up the food chain as the scandal went.

I thought that might be a better answer than the equivilant “How many pit threads have you started about liberal politicians?”. Dozens, no doubt.

This should be investigated at the very highest levels! Perhaps a Senate investigation, headed up by Ted “Squeeky Clean” Stevens!

Just a few points.

  1. Whoever is working over at Hillary Clinton’s campaign ought to get off their ass and remove Norman Hsu from the list of HillRaisers. As of right now he was still there.

  2. She has pledged to donate some $23,000 Hsu has directly contributed to her to charity. This is well and good, but the thing about Hsu is that he was a bundler - he got donations from lots of folks and funneled it in, and there’s pretty strong evidence that some of these donors couldn’t possibly have afforded these donations on their own. They merely acted as a conduit for Hsu’s own money so that limits on contributions could be evaded.

No promises have been made regarding this money, and an answer one way or another about it would probably be in order.

  1. There is no way of knowing to what degree any of these campaigns knew about Hsu’s problems. They can all, though, be judged on how they react to this problem now that it has come to light. Furthermore, a little extra scrutiny by the Clinton campaign should be demanded in this area, given the problems the Clinton reelection campaign had in 1996 with donors with similar issues.

I do not wish to generalize too much here, but voters can hear about Norman Hsu and can easily be reminded about Charlie Trie and Maria Hsia. Hillary Clinton does not need this.