O frabjous word!

Being a hoopy froodette, I was meditating on made-up adjectives today. Can anyone think of any? I’d prefer them to be cromulent, if possible.

Sorry, I don’t grok the question.

—Obviously. :smack:

It’s good to see you’re still apolaustic about wordplay, so have at it. As long as you don’t go nothosonomistic on us or start osculating all over the board, because then this could turn into a donnybrookish discussion.

(Those are all real words, some of them forced into adjectival form.)

This thread is AWESOME when entered into a text reading program.

twickster, you want to know what’s weird? I actually thought “cromulent” was a genuine word because I’d seen it so much on this message board. I assumed it defined something really hugely offensive or was some kind of negative superlative. :eek: I’m not kidding; I never thought to look it up. I look forward to checking back on this thread and seeing what kinds of bizarre words everybody comes up with.

Me too. Although my own contribution to date has been craptacular. :frowning:

What a truly magnaficious idea for a thread! I’m beyond flubberized!

I’m a trifle besnorkled that people are having such a hard time coming up with additional suggestions. :frowning: I thought y’all would be all over this like (as my boss is wont to say) a fat boy on a doughnut.

This is afactilly how scirchled the SDMB sometimes look to me, speaking English as a hemolitious language and all. It’s hachozous at times, but it evengorously embiggens my vocabulary.

Considering the fantibular vocabulary of the mastitude of people here, I was thinking we’d have a varisified selection of adjectives. I’m desadipointed with everyone.

There does seem to be a scatteronomy of crustigorating adderondies here.

I feel so squeelie that others use such speciatacular language. twickster your cooliosity is not exceeded on these boards.

I’m fracking disappointed at the lack of posts in this thread.

You guys are all so stupilarious!


Hey! There’s no need to get sourcastic.

Well there’s always Unwords.com. Personally, I am both ambididdlemous and ambiportalous.


IIRC, I first remember seeing it in Delia Ephron’s How to Eat Like a Child, and have been using it ever since. I’ve heard others using it as well. It’s (obviously) a concatenation of “vomitous” and “atrocious,” and in my humble opinion, it perfectly describes that one particular type of disgustingness.

I’ll reply to this thread right after I return from my visit to the obstecologist.

I’ll reply as soon as I get back from that flubberware party.