Rise of the Machines: Skynet Launch Delayed


Humanity’s safe for a bit longer.

Somehow a British version of Skynet seems less intimidating. It’s kind of like the difference betwixt FOX and the BBC.

It depends upon if Lucas did the electronics or not! :wink:

What would Brit-centric Terminators be like? Would they have a tendency to queue?

“Queue behind me if you want to live.”
ETA: Wait, on second thought, it would probably end up being C-3P0.

I’m sure they’d be incredibly polite!

[T800] I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to shoot you.[/T800]
[Sarah Connor] Oh, well, if you must then. [/SC]

Good Lord, how stupid was the public relations dept. to call it “SkyNet”?

You still don’t get it, do you? He’ll find her. That’s what he does. That’s all he does! You can’t stop him. He’ll wade through you, he’ll make you tea, he’ll feed you biscuits! And they’re not biscuits, they’re cookies! Dry cookies. And he’ll shove those cookies down her throat, and pull her fucking heart out

“I’ll be back, well… er… if it’s all right with you. Don’t want to be stepping on anyone’s toes, you know. So, just to let you know… not that you have to do anything about it, I mean you don’t have to ring me up and invite over for tea and bikkies or anything, I just, well, I’m going to go now, goodbye toodleoo and all that rot, no tears for me Argentina you know, its just, well, I’ve got to be going and sometime, I don’t mean right now or anything, I’m going to be back, well if its all right with you, of course.”

“We (whirr, click) are not (click) amused.”

I Just thought of another…

I don’t know what they would act like, but you can be damn sure that they would be leaking oil.

American Terminator: Hasta La Vista, Baby!

British Terminator: Au revoir, Deary!

I believe they would have poor electrical systems.

Sure, you guys are all thinking about some Hugh Grant or Orlando Bloom Terminator. But what if it’s a Jason Statham Terminator?

Due to the electrical issues of the Statham 500, not to mention it’s tendency to leak oil from all seams and the left handed custom screws, mean that that model would be replaced by a far better engineered Japanese model - The Jet Li 1500.

British Teminator: Cheerio, Luv!

They’re on when the switch is in the downward position.

British terminator? Nay, look at those teeth.

Well, we’re doomed. They launched it.

Pardon me but are you Sarah Connor?
I am.
So sorry but I’ve been programmed to kill you.
It’s a fair cop.
Do you by chance have a gun?

Society is to blame.