Cooking Software Recommendations?

So I’ve got bajillions of recipes that I’ve gleaned on the internet over the past, oh, 13 years or so. Plus links to many more.

I think it’s time to get them organized into something other than a list-o-links and randomly-formatted emails, so it’s time to pick some recipe software.

Master Cook seems to be the best know. I also stumbled across a review website that listed something called BigOven Deluxe as its top pick, followed by Master Cook, followed by Living Cookbook.

Anyway - I have no idea how independent that website is (TopTenReviews?) so I thought I’d check with the Dopers for some independent opinions.

(Mods - this coulda gone into either IMHO or CS; I guessed CS since it’s cooking-related but if you want to move it, that’s cool).