Geekiest joke ever?

A guy at work has this taped to the side of his computer. He works a different shift, so I never see him but I’ve passed by it at least 100 times without realizing the joke. Then I took a good look one day and had a laugh. On the side of his computer is…

chown -R us ./base

The beauty of this is you have to be at least somewhat geeky to even get it.

I’ll spoiler it for those who want to figure it out on their own.

chown is a Linux command to change owner ship of files. In this case, your changing all the files in the directory ‘base’ to the user ‘us’. Or in other words “all your base are belong to us”.

:smiley: That is geeky on so many levels that I doubt it can be topped.

The door to one of the Physics labs at school had a sign that said “Caution - Cosmic Rays inside”

I sort of got it. I understood it was a Linux command, that it had to do with the directory ‘‘base’’, and that is probably meant ‘‘all your base are belong to us.’’ So I guess I’m a partial geek.

goes on fooling self

Is that a tau-neutrino in your pocket, or do you have a hadron?

While it doesn’t quite reach the same level of geekiness and isn’t really a “joke” per se, I really like this XKCD comic. My wife, who has picked up a fair dose of my geekiness through proximity, liked it so much she bought the T-shirt.

More unix stuff… verging on the NSFW :wink:

Haha, thanks for reminding me about that web comic. Good stuff.

My favorite geek joke as always been the


I almost got the first joke but I admit that it is pretty good and anyone that gets it is definitely a geek because it is multi-layered.

The plainest one that I can think of is:“There are 10 types of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that don’t”

In college the engineering school had a t-shirt that read (in the proper calculus shorthand)

Lim Engineering (as GPA approaches zero) = Business School

One of my PIs at the lab gave us all nerd shirts that say “If you were DNA Helicase I’d let you unzip my genes” and I have a picture on the bulletin board in my office of the chemical structure of a diene (2 double bonds) that looks like its on its back and says “Help! I’m diene!”

Wow, how embarrassing for me.

sirens blare
Nerd alert! Nerd alert!

heh. I have a t shirt with that on it. Only one person I work with got it. :frowning:

ETA: The person who got it was my best friend - so that really wasn’t all that surprising.

I don’t know how nerdy this one really is but it involves math and I don’t get to tell it very often so here goes.

How many people of a certain ethnicity does it take to change a light bulb?

A certain finite integer. One to hold the bulb and the rest to act in a fashion stereotypical of that ethnicity.


Traffic Cop: Sir, do you know how fast you were going?
Werner Heisenberg: No, but I know where I am.


That is just great. I’m having a t-shirt made!

My favorite science joke:

What do you get when you cross a mountain climber with a mosquito?

Nothing! You can’t cross a scalor with a vector.

xkcd is THE official comic strip of the geek class :slight_smile:

I was going to post this same one.

I thought the nerdiest joke ever was y = r^3/3 – if you determine the rate of change in this curve correctly, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Ah shit, I don’t get it.

I like the Futurama episode where they are at a horse race. It ends in a quantum finish and Professor Farnsworth complains that “they changed the result by measuring it.” Classic.

Unix systems assign varying levels of power to different users to ensure that no one screws up and deletes important files because they’re too naive to know any better. Only “superusers” have unfettered, absolute power over a Unix system. “sudo” is the prefix used to execute the following command as a superuser command - it will be done, no matter what. The joke is that it would be awesome if that worked in the real world - sudo giving us the ability to, well, compel people to make us a sandwich.