Say good things about Dopers

I’m a bit bored. I was planning to write a bit more today, but can’t really get going. So I figured I’d think of something really deep and basic and all-encompassing and start a thread in Great Debates, but couldn’t think of anything I felt like talking about. So I thought - screw it, I’ll just spread some general-purpose joy and start a thread dedicated to complimenting Dopers.

No threadshitting here; if you feel an unstoppable urge to say “how can you like XYZ, he’s a total asshole z0mg” please take it to the Pit.

Bricker - you’re possibly the most honest person I know (or know of, if you prefer).

Liberal - when I see you’ve posted to a thread, I always open it. You’re never boring, and when it comes to your philosophy you never stop short but go all the way, biting every bullet that’s there to be bitten.

twickster - you’re always nice, and you care. That’s way less common than it should be.

Jodi - You’re f’n awesome. You always say it straight!

Rick - You’ve got an incredibly kind soul. You not only give top-notch should-be-paid-for automotive advice but also step in to raise money for good Doper causes.

When I grow up I want to be Jodi… actually when I grow younger I want to be her… or ummm when I become a woman I want to be her. Ummm… okay, I think Jodi is cool.

storyteller0910, you’re what being a good sportsman is all about. Enjoyed your comments in the SB threads.

Someday we’re going to find a subject Sam Stone isn’t well-versed and a thoughtful responder on. Someday.

Qadgop the Mercotan is like the board Einstein to me. And Anaamika is dead sexy. :slight_smile:

I hope I can be as good a Christian as Polycarp, and as funny as Sauron.

I wish I knew as much about baseball as RickJay has forgotten.

Astroboy14 truly rocks!

No, not always, I assure you. Thank you for the compliment, though!

I’d like to say something nice about Colibri, who’s my #1 Doper Crush – because he’s very smart and very kind about providing detailed answers to any bird questions that come up – as well as questions in other areas of natural history, evolution, etc.

And this doesn’t count as sucking up to a mod because I named myself president of his fan club way before he became one.

I almost ways open any thread I’ve seen **Freudian Slit **post to.

OK. I admit it. I want to live in a hippie commune with WhyNot.

Great thread. I’ll take this opportunity to say “cheers” to a few folks.

The King of Soup. He joined up around the same time I did, and I recall appreciating his insightful post in the first thread I ever started. Since that time, I have found that his presence in a thread pretty much always means that I don’t need to post in it; he’s already made my point more eloquently than I could have. So…cheers, KoS!

Diogenes the Cynic: while a meeting between us would be unlikely to end up in anything less than a shouting match, I like to think it’d be the kind that ends with us laughing about it later over a beer and a football game. While we’ve only locked horns directly once or twice on the boards, your posts in various other debates and discussions have made me think about my own positions more than those of any other poster, and for that, you have my thanks. (I’m still right, of course ;)) Cheers!

jjimm: you are one hilarious dude. I can always count on you to share a great anecdote, pen a clever bit of sarcasm, or just shoot off a quick one-liner for the double-take. Cheers!

I may be back later as I think of more, but if I’m going to take a shot for everyone I compliment, I’m gonna need to space these out a bit…

Ok, I’ll play:

What Exit? - Jim, you represent my old stomping grounds with passion, fervor and brutal honesty. Warts and all. Additionally, you are often the voice of reason among some of the madness here.

Wordman - Your contributions in music threads are always anticipated for their expertise, insider knowledge, and pure love of the subject matter.

People like Polycarp and RTFirefly keep me from getting too cynical and bitter about religion.

Jonathan Chance is possibly one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.

Anitavacation reminded me what having a best friend was like after many, many years of social near-isolation.

There are about a zillion more, and I’m torn between trying to list a bunch and potentially offending people I leave off, or just leaving it as a small sampling so that it doesn’t seem like I’m trying to make a comprehensive list, and nobody will feel personally slighted at not being mentioned…

Often times when I have a decision to make I will say to myself, “What would WhyNot do if she were in my shoes?” And one day I hope I find a man who loves me as much as LouisB obviously loves his darling Marcie.

I’m noticing that if there’s some horribly over the top but hilariously funny comment in a thread there’s a darned good chance Vinyl Turnip made it.

Rubystreak gets pissed off in a more entertaining manner than almost anybody.

So, is this damning with faint praise or praising with faint damns? I can never get those straight… :stuck_out_tongue:

Stranger on a Train = Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and MacGyver all rolled up in one body.

Another vote for Polycarp, as well as tomndebb and Siege, who pretty much keep me from flying down the rabbit hole that some posters have leapt into concerning religion. If all Christians lived their faith the way those three do, this would be an incredible world.

Ginger of the North and Weirddave are two of the most generous and gracious hosts I’ve ever met.

twickster has gone from the most awesome job ever to the second-most awesome job ever.

DanceswithCats and Ms Robyn throw a great picnic (I know it’s a group effort from all of us, but you two usually do the organizing)!

Airman Doors and the aforementioned DanceswithCats are two of the most reasonable conservatives I’ve met, and my respect for them both knows no bounds.

Of course, my beloved supervenusfreak, because he’s just the best partner anyone ever had. Hey, he has to put up with ME! :smiley:

Philsphr has never had anything but a kind word to say to me, and I appreciate his encouragement greatly.

Noone Special does not post nearly as much as he should. He’s a smart and wonderfully good natured guy with a ton of interesting experiences to share.

I too want to hang out with WhyNot in the hippie commune. We have a ton in common only she’s way more concise and reasonable in her posts than I am.

TokyoPlayer is the most eloquent and passionate poster I’ve seen, and my heart goes out to him all the way across the ocean…

Ivylass and eleanorigby never fail to give me phenomenal advice on personal matters in MPSIMS. Same goes for fessie.

twickster is wicked smaht.

And yeah, I find Liberal’s posts incredibly fascinating, because his ideas are different but often really well thought-out. It’s nice hearing intelligent arguments on issues I’m ignorant about and/or disagree with.

Ok, I mean, I pretty much love all of you.

This must be seconded - they throw some wonderful DopeFests, and are amazingly generous with their home and time.
Ginger has given me homemade jam, apple butter and a pair of comfy scrub pants. She’s warm and funny, and just bitchy enough to be funny.

danceswithcats, Ginger of the North, WeirdDave and RTFirefly all helped me move last summer, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without their help. I’m not sure that I ever properly thanked them, other than offering beer and pizza that day.

supervenusfreak gave me a copy of a Dixie Chicks DVD. Both he and jayjay are also warm and generous and funny. The two of them are disgustingly cute together.

Ivylass emailed me privately when I mentioned my marital problems, expressing her concern. It was a small gesture, but was very nice.

And danceswithcats. He’s helped me through a difficult time, and is always there for me.

I especially like seeing Sampiro’s name as the OP of a thread. It always means it’s time for me to go make myself a sandwich and get a drink, because it’s the equivalent of finding a particularly good book and I want to settle in for a damn good read. I usually get my slippers and a blanket, too, just for that extra settling-in goodness. I set up camp when I see Sampiro’s name. It had damn well better span more than one post, too. I am rarely disappointed. :cool:

WhyNot - if I were going to lose my mind and decide to have kids, you’re the mom I would want to be. Besides all that awesome hippie free love naturalism and junk. :slight_smile:

Oh, man…where to start?

I guess I’ll begin with the poster I thought of first when I saw this thread: Kythereia - For my money one of the coolest and most endearing posters on this board. The world would be a better place if more were like her. :slight_smile:

Shodan - my bud and political comrade-at-arms. Would that I had his wit and coolness under fire. Smart, perceptive, comfortable in his own skin. What a guy!

silenus - A mind like a sponge and the go-to guy for encyclopedic knowledge of all things relating to food, drink and fun. If anyone knows better than he how to get the most out of life, I’ve yet to meet him.

Miller - I always read his posts when I come across them. He’s intelligent and perceptive; his posts are substantive; and he’s quick to call bullshit whenever he sees it…even from one of his own.

Qadgop - A gentle guy, a humanitarian and a voice… of reason. An all-around good guy, and another one who - if more were like him - would make the world a better place.

Wordman and Stranger on a Train - Eloquence meets substance in a most educational way. Man, I love reading what these guys have to say.

Liberal - I like ol’ Lib…always have! :wink:

Sam Stone - One of the most informed, reasoned and level-headed posters on this board. I really admire this guy.

Bricker and Exapno Mapcase - Posters I don’t know much about and who I haven’t interacted with much, but I find myself always interested in knowing what they have to say.

Zoe - a real sweetheart who has been fighting the good fight, both personally and socially, for decades. A generous spirit, always ready to offer help to those struggling with demons of the mind, and an open-minded and forgiving friend.

Diogenes - What a piece of work this guy is. Irascible and opinionated to a fault, he’s nevertheless one of the most fun guys to read around here…and occasionally I learn stuff from him.

ElenFair - because she called me her “little shatnerian friend” when I asked a question about Boston Legal. Got a kick out of that, I did (must be the mad cow… :wink: ).

And last but not least, a couple who are no longer around here, either by design or otherwise:

roger thornhill - Man, what a fun guy he was. I still miss him. (If you’re still out there, rog, quaff a tumbler or two of port for me, eh? :smiley: )

Eve - What can I say about her that hasn’t been said time and again already? I miss her around here and I hope some day she’ll be back.