Most Frequently Rerun TV Series

Can someone here point me in the right direction to find data on which television series is shown most frequently in reruns? I realize there are definition problems–most frequently on network television, most frequently in the U.S., based on number of stations or audience reached, based on residuals paid, etc. However, I haven’t been able to locate any data, so at this point I don’t want to fuss too much about narrowing down what I want.

And, of course, we can all speculate. I’m thinking it’s I Love Lucy, my husband thinks it’s Law and Order.

So, data if you can; speculation if you want.


I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but internationally, Baywatch is the most popular series of all time.

Around here MAS*H is airing more than any other show. Actually, it’s been that way for a long time.

It comes on 8-12 times a day on Hallmark, several times in syndication on local channels, and a few times on TVLand.

It must be on almost all day.

For a long time, one version or another of “I Love Lucy” was on television every minute of the day, somewhere.

That’s got to be significant.

My favorite quote on the subject of Baywatch was: “Mankind has spent more time watching Baywatch than actually building all of the Seven Wonders of the World.”

Kind of explains the whole decline and fall of modern civilization, donnit?


Not a series but this is surely the oddest story - the most frequently repeated TV program ever.

Gilligan’s Island was once a plague upon humanity, filling every niche in the schedule not filled by other programming.

You can watch several episodes of “The Andy Griffith Show” everyday around here.

“The Simpsons” is on somewhere all the time. With as long as that show has been on, however, the number of times each episode has been shown is probably smaller than that of “Gilligan’s Island.” There were only 97 episodes of “Gilligan’s Island.” “The Simpsons” currently has more than four times that.

There was a time a few years back that I Love Lucy was on three different networks in this area and each played at least two episodes a day.*
I knew them all.

Seinfeld and King of Queens are in pretty heavy rotation right now. Which is good because both are hilarious shows!!

Star Trek, The Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island are the ones that come to mind that were on ad nauseum when I was a kid.

Friends was on continual loop here for a while. Even while it was in production, each season was followed by a repeat of the last season, before the new season started.
Then, after it ended, we just got it over and over again, right through from the beginning to the finale. My mum finally managed to catch the last episode the (IIRC) sixth time around of the current run.
MAS*H could be up there, Fawlty Towers must have a look in. Another vote for the Simpsons too - we’ve been getting that between 5-8 episodes a week just on the free to air channels, more on Pay TV.

I never thought about episode numbers. The Honeymooners is very popular in reruns (WPIX here in New York, which does a marathon every New Year’s, has been running it so long their syndicated prints still have the old Viacom “V of Doom” at the end), and it ran for only 39 episodes. However, 68 additional “lost episodes” (actually old Jackie Gleason Show sketches) were added to the syndication package in the mid-80s, so that number no longer stands.

I seem to recall Saved By The Bell accounting for a majority of TBS programming just a few years ago.

Adult Swim also ran the series as part of some sort of unusual drawn-out joke last year, I think.

I can watch 4 episodes of That 70’s Show in 2 hours on some days.

I can watch 4 episodes of That 70’s Show in 2 hours on some days. Also, not that it’s relevant, but this is my 500th post!

Around here it’s The Golden Girls
or maybe that’s just my irritation showing

It doesn’t look like spam to me. It’s iconservation’s own blog, but it’s relevant to the thread topic.

A couple of years ago, the saying was “If you’re not watching some version of Law & Order right now, you’re not trying.”

What made me suspicious is that the website that hosts his blog is for his web design and SEO business.