Cheney Re:4000 dead "They volunteered"

I don’t usualy engage in RA about this administration but this has me shaking I am so mad. Among other lovely tidbits was this choice bit.

I am not even sure what to do with him. I think the only thing I can do is hope there really is a hell.

RA = recreational anger?

Yes I meant to type RO and had a brain fart, but recreational anger is probably closer to the point anyway.

I don’t see the big deal. He clearly says it was the President who sent them there. I think the volunteered bit is just pointing out that we don’t have the draft now.

Without addressing the Democratic candidates specifically, the vice president said those who want to pull out of Iraq are "seriously misguided."

And you don’t think that those who wanted to invade Iraq in the first place without any inkling of an exit plan to find non-exsistant WMDs weren’t “serously misguided”?

Of course not. They were pragmatic and just knew what had to be done and that it was the right thing to do. :rolleyes:

BTW, not to rehash way, way old news, but you don’t really believe they were going in for WMDs, do you?

This is simply justification for the decision. I don’t think Bush really looks at “his burden” as particularly cumbersome. He genuinely believes the decision to invade Iraq was the right one to make. He knew there would be casualties, but they were justified and unavoidable casualties.

On the other hand, the burden of the families who lost loved ones, didn’t necessarily have a choice in that decision. They are burdened with loss due to the choices of others. They must spend the rest of their lives without the one(s) they lost. That seems much more burdensome than having sent thousands of people to their deaths. Once Bush is out of office and Iraq is no longer on his agenda, he’ll move on with little thought to his “burden.”

Considering how many dyed-in-the-wool Republicans I know who still believe that and still think that Iraq had them and hid them somewhere so fiendishly clever that we still can’t find them (as opposed to USING them as they were designed. ya’know to stop invaders in combat). Yes, I think they really believed there would be WMD to be found to justify the invasion, or at least Bush did.

I do not think that was the only or even the primary reason they started this war, but I didn’t believe that in 2002/3 either.

I don’t really see the outrage. He’s right, as far as I know - all the US soldiers are volunteers. They did volunteer for the army and to put themselves in harm’s way. Are you so outraged because you don’t feel the continued US presence in Iraq is justified?

Okay, just clarifying. Personally, I don’t think they were extremely confident that WMD was the problem they publicly characterized it to be, but I suppose Bush figured that they’d find something as a result of the invasion.

I do agree with you about it not being their primary reason for invading Iraq and I never have believed it either. I just wish we hadn’t let them get away with it by our general complacency and misguided trust.

That’s extremely hard to swallow given the fact that there is clear evidence of recruiters out and out lying about whether recruits will be deployed (no search; no cite, sorry). But I think the thing that may spark anger in people is the:

“Poor Bush. It’s really too bad for all those families, but they kinda asked for it. Bush, on the other hand, has to live with this for the rest of his life. Can you imagine? So sad.”

Why should we give a damn about the burden that George W. Bush has to bear? After all, he volunteered for the job, and he voluntarily made the decision: he was not conscripted into the job of President, and the decision to invade Iraq was not forced on him.

The Cheney quote in the OP is actually rather innocuous and hard to argue with.

This usage of the simple word “so,” OTOH, is in context truly outrageous.

Actually, he was conscripted into the job. God conscripted him.

Volunteered? Have you ever tried to refuse your dynastic destiny?

Cheney sticks up my ass sideways, but I’m missing the indignation here.

Lynne? Is that you?

The volunteering thing doesn’t bother me. If he’s suggesting that Bush faces a larger burden than the family of a dead soldier, however, he’s an asshole.

I’m not sure that’s what he means because it’s a different section of the story, and it’s not clear he said the second sentence right after the first.

Bush does not seem to carry much guilt at all.I never see him pondering over the plight of the soldiers as they extend them again and again. He doesn’t care about anything but money and power.
Cheney is a prick. He is a smart ass . I can’t stand the draft dodging old prick.He only cares about money and power.

They’re both sociopaths. This is news?