Paxil and Alcohol

  • what would happen if you had, say, a glass of wine while on a prescription for Paxil? Leaflet says do not do this. What would be the effect?

Never tried it with Paxil, but Prozac makes me a very cheap date. Especially when I first started on it.

You would probably fall asleep a little faster. Depending on you dosage levels, I doubt one glass of wine would do too much damage.

responsible adult mode

But don’t try it yourself!

/responsible adult mode

According to my handy, dandy Physicians Desk Reference:

Alcohol: Although Paxil does not increase the impairment of mental and motor skills caused by alcohol, patients should be advised to avoid alcohol while taking Paxil (paroxetine hydrochloride).

It sounds like standard medical advice that all physicians are supposed to give to their patients. Physicians are supposed to encourage their patients not to drink anything while on any kind of medication because, well, they really don’t want you drinking anything anyway.

By no means is this scientific evidence, but I can think of five people that drink (more than just one glass) on a regular basis while taking antidepressants such as Paxil. None of them have ever had an adverse reaction. I think the main reason doctors tell you not to drink is because of the alcohol=depressant factor.

Of course, everybody is different and your reaction may vary, blah blah. Just tellin’ you what I have observed.

boli beat me to it.
I asked the pharmacist. He said that the warning labels are there because people who are depressed shouldn’t drink, not because of any adverse reactions. YMMV

I am on Paxil. The warning mainly serves for the early stages of taking Paxil, when the side effects can include lightheadedness and/or drowsiness. Alcohol can exacerbate those effects.

Once I was in the “maintenance” stage, I did take up drinking again, mostly red wine. Both my gen and psych doctors know, and seem to be of the opinion that a little red wine probably doesn’t hurt, what with the bioflavenoids and all, as long as I don’t overdo it.

Of course, I had to push the envelope, just to see what would happen, I tried overdoing it. The only result I noticed - aside from the normal physical detriment of prolonged snockerment - is that if you drink too much for too many days in a row, the beneficial effects of Paxil begin to abate. Not, however, to the point of not taking it at all.

So in my experience, Shadowfox is right, benders are not to be recommended, but a drink or two probably won’t kill you if mixed with Paxil.

My G.I. doc recently proscribed Paxil for me because I’m getting such strong side effects from the Prednisone that I’m on.

The Paxil made my head feel funny, and sent electrical tingly feelings down my arms. I don’t want to take it, and so discontinued use. But he thinks it will help. How are you folks affected by it, and what if any side effects have you experienced? Have you had any problems getting off of it when you wanted to?

Well alcohol’s a depressant and that’s usually not a good thing for depressed people. That aside, alcohol will tend to enhance the side effects of SSRIs. Oh well, having a few drinks while on it isn’t gonna hurt you. But lets say if you mix the two often enough you’re bound to have a moldy liver down the road.

actually, while I might agree with the statements herein, I would caution you to ask ** your** doctor who may be aware of other factors for you personally (your size, age, past medical histories, other issues etc.).

I agree that the “no alcohol” is a standard on MANY scripts (including my Gloucophage for diabetes type II, and my so’s blood pressure meds). like a week after I got on this stuff, I got into a major car accident, would have REALLY liked a glass of wine after we finally made it safely home. I asked my doctor the next time I saw him, he said “sure, in moderation, it won’t be a problem”.

so, please get verification from YOUR doctor who knows YOUR history ok???

I’ve been on Paxil for over three years now, and I haven’t noticed any ill or unusual effects when I drink, but I’ve never been a binge drinker. I’m also a pretty big person, and I have no idea if the Paxil to alcohol to weight ratio makes a difference.

The first week I was on Paxil, I was a mess. The side-effects that stand out the most in my memory were nauseau, dizziness, and dry mouth. But after a week, they went away. The only side-effect that has persisted (I assume it’s a side-effect because I never noticed it before I started the Paxil) is a little lightheadedness when I yawn. But I’m hardly notice it anymore.

Of course, check with your doctor and YMMV.

Oh, and for getting off it, I haven’t tried. But if I’m sloppy about getting my prescription refilled and I miss more than a day, I feel like shit: monster headache, flu-like symptoms, and uncontrollable crying with intermittent rage. When I finally take one, I’m usually back to my old lovable self by the next morning.

I’m not sure, but I think there are sexual side-effects, too. My former doctor poo-pooed this notion when we discussed my diminished drive by saying it was a side-effect of the depression itself. And my (TMI alert) struggle with vulvar pain hasn’t helped. But I don’t even feel the urge to try anymore. My therapist at least entertains the idea that all of the above, including the Paxil, may contribute to the problem. However, she still doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to take me off it; maybe I’ll be on it forever.

Been on SSRI’s (First, Prozac, then Pazil, now Effexor) and have consumed many beers along the way. The only effect that I have noticed is that the part of your brain that gets depressed is the “I probably shouldn’t have said that out loud” part. Other than that nothing too out of the ordinary.

Side effects getting on SRRI: none, really. Although it does “take the air outta your tire” if you know what I mean.

Side effects coming off: None, if you do it gradual, but there have been times when I’ve gone cold turkey 'cuz I was on the road and left them at home. That’s definately not fun. Tremors, nightmares, wierd pulses through my body, lightheadedness, and a ringing in my ears that sounds more like a scream. Not fun.

Yes, weird pulses through the body! I get those, too. I associate them with the “flu-like” symptoms because I feel like that when I’m coming down with a fever, too.

Leaflet is right.

Friend of mine on Prozac (similar to Paxil) had some beer or other liquor with her dose of Prozac for the day. Friend had to be shipped to the hospital in an ambulance and nearly died. Friend’s best friend was expelled for staying with her to make sure she lived.

Prozac, zoloft, paxil etc. and alcohol do not mix. I don’t mean to suggest that every reaction will be so drastic, but there’s a reason they tell you not to drink.

Gr8Kat, according to my PDR, regarding sexual dysfunction:

Although changes in sexual desire, sexual performance and sexual satisfaction often occur as manifestations of a psychiatric disorder, they may also be a consequence of pharmacologic treatment. In particular, some evidence suggests that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) can cause such untoward sexual experiences..

In other words, for the laymen in the audience, the doctors don’t know for sure whether the sexual dysfunction is a result of the depression or the medicine, but there are enough people taking Paxil and experiencing sexual dysfunction that the doctors cannot rule out the possibility that SSRI’s could be the cause.

Besides that, I have a friend on Paxil who told me the same thing a while back, that her sex drive went down to almost zero while on this stuff. Once she stopped taking it, her sex drive was almost back to normal within a few weeks.

I’ve taken about all the SSRI’s too. Never had any side effects starting or going off like those described here. Frightening!
I’d question why the Dr. is giving you Paxil to reduce side effects from other meds. In my experience, Drs. prescribing psych drugs sometimes don’t have very good info. A Dr once prescribed Prozac for my Ex when he quit smoking, with the logic that he would GET depressed by quitting!

I’m on Paxil, and if I drink, I get sooooo sleepy…like I can barely keep my eyes open tired.
I generally try and stay away from booze, as I have an addictive type of personality, and a long history of alcoholism on both sides of the family…not a good combination.

I take Paxil, and I have found that my limits change some. Where it used to take three drinks to “feel” it, one will now do. Other than that, no problem.

aenea - prednisone is a toung drug, about which I know way too much. Many doctors prescribe anti-depressants to offset the side effects. If Paxil doesn’t do it, ask for another. One friend went through 4 or 5 before finding one he could handle. Any other pred questions, please email me. I would be pleased to help.