Piercing care and sea salt vs. regular table salt?

So I just got my nose pierced earlier tonight. Reading the instructions for aftercare, I noticed that you’re supposed to use either a saline solution or a salt water mixture using sea salt and warm water. I thought I had sea salt-but I only have ordinary table salt. So I could only use what I had.

Is it going to be a problem, if it’s just for one night? I imagine I’d probably be better off using something like this.


(Oh, and if I can’t pick anything else up until Thursday, what about tomorrow?)


Salt is salt, sea or rock- especially as far as a solution. BUT, some table salt has iodine which could irritate some dudes.

Try it on your tongue and if no problems, then you’re fine.

It does have iodine, but I’m guessing it’ll be okay for a day or two, until I can get some proper solution.

The guy told me they had some for sale, but I figured I could just use the instructions they gave me. Dammit.

I used table salt and was fine.
And DO do the salt water rinse thing. Do it. When I got my navel done I didn’t and it turned into this nasty mess and I called up and whined and they said “did you do the salt thing?” Sheepish “nuh uh. . .” Well, duh! Do it! And it took care of it right away. The osmotic effect works wonders.

I have healed multiple piercings (13 ears and a nipple) and have never bothered with salt, just warm water. Table salt is fine, the idea is to make the liquid isotonic.

Understandable, considering your piercing! :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t be a booger!

Sorry! Didn’t mean to pick on ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, if you ever need any suggestions on Pittsburgh area piercers/tattoo shops, feel free to ask. Hope your nose heals smoothly.

Don’t get your nose out of joint, now.
I got one of those nasal spray type kits, and just mixed a slight slightly tinier mix, and just squirted a teeny bit. Basically, I’ll just try cleaning it with the water and anti-bacterial handsoap, as directed, with a q-tip, and then use the nasal wash. (Not really spray, so much, as just a little warm, drip). If I have any major problems, I’ll just call, like Chris told me. Or maybe I’d be better off just mixing a teenier bit, and just dabbing it on?

The place I went to was Angry Moon. I’d like to get my lobes pierced a second time (the last time they closed up), and ditto my upper cartilage. Damned if I’m gonna go to the mall and have some stupid teenager who only practiced for an hour shooting earrings into an orange near my ears.

(I’d also go there to get tattooed, if I ever decided to get inked. I wouldn’t mind a little black cat)

I’ve seen some nice ink from that shop. Next time you are there, tell them an old friend of Moose’s (RIP) said hi. Are they busy? The southside is always hopping, I would think they would be pretty busy there.

When I first came in, they thought I wanted a tattoo, and said they were all booked up for the week. I was crushed, and asked if you had to have an appointment all the time? Then the guy asked if I wanted a piercing, and I said yes, and there you go!

(Will do, by the way!)

Table salt (rock salt) is just sea salt that is a couple of million years old!

Well, these saline packets are going to last me a loooong time-they’s a whole mother lode of them.

Okay, I realize this may be mincing terms but I just want to add that table salt does not contain iodine, it contains iodide. The silly things you learn in college occasionally stick with you.

But the cool thing is that iodide IS iodine, it’s just got an extra electron! :cool:

On the piercing side, I’ve always used kosher salt, because it’s what I have in the house. If you want to be super-lazy about it, spend $2 and buy a big can of saline for contacts. I’d warm mine up in the microwave (until warm, not hot!) and apply to the affected area(s) with a cotton swab, cotton ball or just dipped in the shot glass, depending on what worked best for that piercing.

Never been one for H2Ocean, spraying salt water at something isn’t going to anything but make a mess. They’re called salt soaks for a reason, and I’d just give it 5 minutes in front of the TV.