Religious Feud by 5 time champ [Closed]


Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points. And pro-rated if we don’t get 50 contestants.


Write your answers like this; Do not repeat the questions, no periods at the end of answers, no spaces between lines, no comments, no fancy list coding. If you need to comment or clarify your answers, do it AFTER the list of answers. Thanks.

  1. answer
  2. response
  3. rejoinder

Let’s set the cut off at 11 am CDT on Thursday, July 31.

  1. Other than Genesis, name a Book of the Old Testament?
  2. Other than Mecca, name a Muslim holy city.
  3. Name one of the Patriarchs of the OT
  4. Name one of the Twelve Apostles
  5. Name one of the 5 tenets of Islam
  6. Name a holy mountain
  7. Other than the Resurrection, name a miracle performed by Jesus
  8. Name a famous or infamous televangelist
  9. Name a non-Abrahamic religion i.e. not Christian, Muslim, Jewish
  10. Name a ‘cult’ religion

Good luck, and may the Force be with you.

  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Visit Mecca
  6. Mt Sinai
  7. Walked on water
  8. Pat Robertson
  9. Hindu
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. umm…death to America?
  6. Tai Shan
  7. Lazarus raised from the dead
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (haj)
  6. Mt. Sinai
  7. Changing water into wine
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology

It’s the 5 PILLARS of Islam, not tenets. Islam has many more tenets than 5. A tenet is just a belief. The Pillars are specific practices required by the religion.

  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Paul
  5. There is only one god
  6. Sinai
  7. Raising the dead
  8. Billy Graham
  9. Buddism
  10. Moonies
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Prayer 5 times a day (and it’s Pillars, not tenets).
  6. Sinai
  7. Raising of Lazarus
  8. Pat Robertson
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Karbala
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
  6. Olympus
  7. Water into wine
  8. Jerry Fallwell
  9. Hinduism
  10. Scientology


  1. Exodus
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Levi
  4. John
  5. There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet
  6. Mt. Sinai
  7. Walked on water
  8. Pat Robertson
  9. Hinduism
  10. Scientology


  1. noted maker of trousers
  2. paraphrased
  3. with this crowd, I may regret not choosing ‘turned water to wine’
  4. But my heart belongs with Reverend Ike; he was so refreshingly upfront about wanting the money.
  5. Conch?
  1. Exodous
  2. Jeruselem
  3. Moses
  4. Mecca trip
  5. Ararrat
  6. Healing lepers
  7. Tammy Fae
  8. Zoroastrianism
  9. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Moses
  4. Paul
  5. Surrender of the will to Allah
  6. Ararat
  7. Loaves and fishes
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Hinduism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Judas
  5. Giving of alms
  6. Mount Zion
  7. Walk on water
  8. Billy Graham
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Pilgrimage to Mecca
  6. Mt. Olympus
  7. The loaves and the fishes
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Hinduism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Paul
  5. Only one God
  6. Ararat
  7. Loaves and fishes
  8. Pat Robertson
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Matthew
  5. The giving of charity
  6. Sinai
  7. Water into Wine
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Buddhist
  10. Branch Davidians

Well shoot, I can see I tanked out on #10.

  1. Exodus
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Abraham
  4. St. Peter
  5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
  6. Mt. Sinai
  7. Multiplied the loaves and the fishes
  8. Jimmy Swaggart
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology
  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Hajj
  6. Mount Sinai
  7. Water into wine
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology
  1. Leviticus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Paul
  5. Allah is merciful
  6. Ararat
  7. Turning water into wine
  8. Jim Baker
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology

I’m a little surprised I knew any of these. And I won’t be too surprised if I missed the point on a lot of them. I really, really wanted to answer the last one “Blüe Öyster”.

  1. Exodus
  2. Medina
  3. Abraham
  4. Peter
  5. Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca
  6. Mt. Sinai
  7. Water into wine
  8. Jerry Falwell
  9. Buddhism
  10. Scientology