Text comes out in capitals- without Caps Lock- keyboard?

Having a problem with the text on this computer. It will start coming out in capitals without having Caps Lock turned on (the Caps Lock light isn’t lit and I have added a sound to alert me if the button is inadvertently hit).

Is this just the keyboard? It doesn’t worry me buying a new one and they are extremely cheap. However, it would still go against the grain buying one if that isn’t the problem.

(I am a typist who needs to look at the keys so it is a real pain to look up and find a screen full of capitals).

Is it one of the Microsoft curved keyboards? If so, I know some combination of key strokes puts it into some weird mode that types ALL CAPS but it also gives you one of these > instead of a .

I finally got rid of my keyboard because it drove me crazy. I could never remember the combination of keys that undid it–usually just pounded on the keyboard until it cleared up! Probably not the recommended method!

good luck

Go into the Accessibility Options control panel. You probably have Sticky Keys turned on, so that if you hold down the shift key, it locks it into All Caps mode. You can turn off this feature… kind of.

Apparently, even if you DON’T have Sticky Keys turned on, I’ve found that in XP, this feature can still become activated. From what I’ve read googling, it’s so someone handicapped can use your computer even though you have that functionality turned off. It’s extremely irritating, as I have a tendancy to let my fingers linger over the shift or ctrl keys, which will also become “sticky.”

To revert to normal typing, push both shift keys.

Or it could be a mechanical problem – some kind of debris causing the Shift key to physically stick. Try shaking the keyboard upside down; see if a lot of crumbs fall out. (I’ve had to cut back on the amount of eating over the keyboard I do by about 30-35%.)

On my system, Sticky Keys is turned on and off by pressing the shift key 5 times in succession. However, it should bring up a dialogue box each time.

Can anyone help on this slightly related theme? If you have typed out a sentence of text, then realise you have left the Caps Lock on, is there any way of transforming the text to lower-case?

Whew- thanks - but sadly I feel the answer is no to most.

It is not a curved keyboard- it is a standard HP flat Internet keyboard.

The computer runs on Vista, not XP. However sticky keys are turned off anyway.

If I turn the keyboard upside down only flat beer drips out.

And I don’t think I have ever pressed any keys 5 times in succession. Except for very obvious ones in swear words.

Thanks again for your help but THIS THING IS GOING TO BE DEEP SIXED.

In MS Word you can highlight and do a menu option.

Format / Change Case / Sentence Case

I hope you didn’t just use a font that only displays capitals. :slight_smile:

Please feel free to hijack this thread anywhere- I learn as I read. Thanks Harmonious Discord.

Have you tried restarting the computer?

It has been happening for about a fortnight and the computer has been restarted a few times- umm quite a few :slight_smile:

The keyboard shortcut for this is shift+F3. It will toggle through available case options for what you have selected. One letter, for instance will go back and forth between upper case and lower case, a whole word will toggle between initial capital > all upper > all lower. A sentence with punctuation at the end will toggle all upper > all lower > sentence case (first word initial cap, none others). A sentence with no punctuation will go all upper > all lower > title case (all words initial caps).

It’s fun.

I have a problem with my work computer sometimes. (It’s a PC. I haven’t had many problems with the Mac.) In Excel I’ll have the caps lock on. Sometimes out of habit I’ll hit the Shift key when I start typing a word. At the second letter Excel changes the lower-case first letter and makes it upper-case, and the subsequent letters and changes them to lower-case. Only the caps lock is still on. When I type anything else in any other program cape is lower-case and lower-case is caps. It’s very annoying. The only way I’ve found to fix it is to go into Excel with caps lock off (so it’s typing in caps) and use Shift to start a word etc. Then it toggles back to normal.

  1. When your problem happens, open up the Notepad utility on your computer. Its the little no-frills typing program.

  2. Type in Notepad.

  3. If the text in Notepad is capitalized, then its an issue with your keyboard, or a function found in the keyboard setup. If the text in Notepad is NOT capitalized, then its an issue with Excel.

  4. If its an Excel issue, you need to look into the styles you have under the program. There is a specific font that always displays in all capital letters. Perhaps you’ve turned it on.

Check your font. Some fonts are all caps. Word has an option in the font dialog window to use all caps or small caps.

We seem to have a few questions going at once here. If the previous two answers (and I don’t think they do) relate to my query, unfortunately the answer is that the suggestions won’t work- or my problem is different. I haven’t used Excel, and it is an interim problem. That is half the line of Text will be in caps.

I am tending to think keyboard as the spacebar is not workingat times also- or not properly.

…Really? That can mess up keyboards right dandy. More than crumbs, for sure. (Liquid, that is.)

I was only kidding. I don’t waste beer.

Was this for me, or for the OP?

Just did some stuff in Excel. Accidentally toggled the caps by:
[ul][li]Having Caps Lock on[/li][li]Typing the first character with Shift+character[/li][li]Typing subsequent characters without Shift[/ul][/li]The string should have looked like this: sTRING IN THE CELL. But Excell automatically changed it to String in the cell.

I didn’t type in Notepad, but I did get into Internet Explorer and started typing an email with Caps Lock OFF. Letters were in caps. So Excel did some sort of global change in Windows. (See the list above. I did that again to get my keys back to normal.)

I’m only curious why it does this. I have a solution.

This method works in Windows 7.
Ensure the capslock key is off before starting
Control Panel > Change keyboards or other input methods > Keyboards and Languages tab > Change keyboards > Advanced Key Settings tab
Change setting to use shift key to turn off Caps Lock and then click ok. Go back to the same window and turn it back to use caps lock button.