How do I get rid of a double chin?

How do i get rid of a double chin?

One or a combination of the bellow should help.
Face yoga,
Chewing a lot (gum, not more food),
Eat less.

I’m pretty sure you can’t lose fat from specific parts of your body. The best you could do is lose weight in general.

As others have said, there’s no such thing as “spot reduction”, ie, losing weight from a single point on your body. The only way to lose weight from your face is to lose weight everywhere; eventually you will lose it from your chin.

And therein lies the problem . . .

There are surgical options for “spot removal” of a double chin. There are a variety of factors as to whether someone is a good candidate (IANA surgeon, however).

For a very defined spot of fat, you can have liposuction to that area only. Depending on the amount of double chin being removed, a procedure such as a neck lift (to tone and/or remove excess skin) might be necessary.

And, if it’s a double chin in the context of general overall obesity, the best idea is working on losing weight (as noted by others).

Yes, bellowing and generalized shrieking can tone the muscle under the double chin.

Disclaimer: No it can’t.


A well placed elastic band will hide a double chin.

I’m surprised to see people saying there’s no way to do exercises for a specific part of the body. I’m certainly no expert, but Googling “double chin” brings up all sorts of tips and exercises to help get rid of it. This one seems pretty helpful: How to Lessen a Double Chin: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

I’m not questioning the previous posters, just curious if sites like that are false.

Man, I saw some kind of ball excercise that got rid of this. You know the kind you put under your ass to stretch your abs? It was like that only smaller.

I going to have to go ahead and say liposuction. One of my bankers, has the full bullfrog chin thing going on. It’s almost hard to concentrate on what he’s saying because you expect that chin to blow up. BRAUURP! BRAUURP!

You know what I’m sayin’?

There’s nothing in that list about spot-reducing a double chin; most tips are about minimizing its appearance.

99% of the stuff in that link has nothing to do with exercise. The part that does was more about strengthening your neck so you have better posture and firming up the underlying muscle. None of that is going to remove fat from a specific area of your body. But better posture may make the double chin less noticeable.

You cannot spot reduce. It doesn’t work. Your body decides which fat cells are going to release fat to be burned and it doesn’t matter what muscles you are exercising.

You can certainly exercise specific parts of your body, but you are exercising the muscles. The fat that rests on top of your muscles is totally unrelated. If you want six pack abs you need to do two things:

  • exercise the abs so you have muscles
  • get your overall bodyfat down to 10% so you can see those muscles.

All the crunches in the world aren’t going to burn enough bodyfat to get your abs to show. You need to do serious cardio and exercise your big muscles for an extended time.

I had a bit of a chin-wattle (just a tiny bit!) and it’s completely disappeared since I’ve started running. Fascinates my boyfriend. In other words, general fitness.

But … but … Perception is reality!

Haven’t you been paying attention? :smiley:

There is a set of exercises called “chin tuck” that will tighten the muscles in your chin and neck. My original pain doctor gave me a sheet with illustrations of how to do a whole set (to help maintain strength and flexibility in my neck; I have an old neck injury that causes problems), but I couldn’t find anything like that in a quick search. How much it will tighten the skin depends on several things - age, skin tone, and how faithfully you do the exercises. And it will take doing at least 15 reps of each of about 10 different positions daily in order to get real results, I think. I warn you, they are not fun, nor are they particularly easy, and they are boring.

As so many others have said, the best solution for most everybody is to lose weight. However, if you have that problem without being overweight (and a few people do; I’ve seen cases), the exercise, plus taking supplements that help your skin (glucosamine is one, and it also helps to maintain cartilage) will help your throat and neck muscles, and may show some results on the skin. If you are serious about the exercises, send me a message thru here, or an email (be sure to put SDMB in the subject), and I’ll try to either come up with a better website, or write out the instructions for the full set. And will double check the supplements I take (primarily for other reasons) that have an effect on skin tone.

Well I think I’m going to start jogging, chew gum, and do facial exercises. That should nip it in the bud (it’s not too bad yet). At 27, this is actually the first cosmetic thing that has bothered me about getting older.

If you lose the weight will the skin just hang there and give you a turkey-neck, or will it go back to normal.

As others said you can’t do spot reduction, but I have know thin people who have double chins, it’s just the way they are. And they are skinny, thin, but they still have a double chin and a pocket of fat there.

If that is your problem, you won’t get rid of it short of looking like a Holocaust victim or plastic surgery

It’s like fat fingers or the hot-dog-pack back of the head/neck: It’s fat, and you need to reduce your body fat % by consuming fewer calories daily than you burn.