Getting unexpectedly naked on a date?

There was a story line the other night on How I Met Your Mother about a guy who, when on a date, would strip down to the buff while the girl was in another room (going to the bathroom or what not). The character claimed that it “works” (in terms of getting the girl to sleep with him) a certain percentage of the time, so he gives it a shot, just to see if he’ll get lucky.

My husband said that he knew a girl that this actually happened to (didn’t work with her)! So, he wanted me to ask the dopers about it:

If you’re a girl…has this ever happened to you? What did you do about it?

If you’re a guy…ever tried it? Did it work?

Please…tell all! :slight_smile:

Nope. Never done that. Mr. Happy stays in my pants unless/until he is expressly invited to…ensue.

I had two friends who pulled this once, and had their clothes thrown outdoors, where they had to retrieve them. In Greenwich Village. In January. In the snow.

I should think that guys who tried this would be unable to reproduce, so natural selection would come into play.

I wouldn’t try this with women of character, as picking teeth up off the floor while naked, and bleeding, often offends.

My mother once told me this had happened to her while she was in college. The guy said he had to use the bathroom, then came out naked. She said “I think you have the wrong idea”, and when he didn’t back off she threw a stereo speaker at him and ran.

Two friends together? :eek: Were they on a double date?!

Yup. The two girls went into another room, my two friends thought it would be great fun if they stripped down to the buff, the two girls (we were all about 16 or 17) re-entered, grabbed the piles of clothes and chucked them out into the snow. My friends realized that their clothes might well get picked up by passing strangers, ran out to the street (8th street and University Place) to retrieve them, and the girls locked them out.

Good for them (the girls, that is)! That is awesome.

Wait a minute…guys who do stuff like this have friends? That is, they know people intelligent enough to post on the 'Dope?

Watch who you’re calling “intelligent” here, fella!

One of the guys had just gotten admitted to Yale, or was just about to be, and the other guy was smarter. But there’s an Yiddish expression that may apply here, loosely translated as “When the prick stands up, the brains get buried in the earth.”

I don’t know whether to make a joke about Yale and intelligence, or ask for the putz quote. I have a feeling that despite being the Most Jewish Person, Mrs. Plant won’t be familiar with that Yiddish expression. :slight_smile:

Funny thing is, if the genders were reversed (and assuming that the females would be something less than hideous) it would TOTALLY work on most guys, myself included. This reminds me of Dave Barry’s observation about mags like Cosmopolitan that always seem to have cover blurbs like “10 ways to drive your man WILD in bed!” Dave’s recommendation on how to drive your man wild in bed: get in the bed with him. Doesn’t take much else!

Considering how many Dopers are clueless about women and dating, you’re surprised?
I’ve heard of this happening as well, but it’s starting to become like an urban legend. Everyone knows someone or has a friend of a friend.

OTOH, I never underestimate people’s ability to do something dumb.

We are pigs.

curious what the expression is, mind posting it? I’m a jew myself and I’ve not heard this one before (not that I’m fluent in yiddish or anything, hehe. The only yiddish I really know I picked up from my grandparents, and though my grandfather is foul-mouthed he never said anything like this)

I was just thinkin the same thing. While it would be creepy and bad for a guy to do it, it’d be freakin awesome if a girl did this to me. Total turn on.

I do, however, disagree with the Dave Barry quote. I’ve had some bad sex in my day, the word “dead fish” wouldn’t even begin to describe one girl I slept with, she was a “reformed mormon” though (I called her “the reformin mormon” or “reformon” for short) so that might’ve been part of the problem. Don’t have sex with very religious people unless they’re catholic, that’s what I always say :smiley:

Was the character Barney? The character had to be Barney.

According to Philip Roth, from whom the expression got to me, it’s “Ven der putz shteht, ligt der sechel in drerd.” (PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT, 7th hardbound Random House printing, page 128). We went around repeating that for months. It’s not a bad mantra for a teenaged boy to keep telling himself.

Was one of them Ernest Hemingway?

Huh. I thought this thread was going to be more about that “Oh crap, have I even shaved my legs this week?” moment.