World's most dangerous toys

Over in the Game Room, one of the Daily Feuds was about toys. Lawn Darts was the number one most dangerous toy. According to Radar’s most dangerous toys they’re only number 2. Those Chinese GHB ladened decorative dots wins the day.

The most dangerous toy I’ve ever played with didn’t make either list. I loved my click clacks. They were pretty and loud and I could get them flying. I shattered two pair before they could no longer be found made of glass. The plastic ones that replaced the glass sucked.

Not only did the shatter, they were also hard as a, well, solid glass ball. I suffered the bruises without comment. It was part of the game. Have you ever put your life on the line in order to have fun as a kid?

P.S. I can’t believe the nuclear lab set wasn’t placed much higher.

Glass? Despite the claims of the site Click clacks were made of a hard acrylic type plastic not glass.

They were like gigantic marbles on a string and they were the coolest, most beautiful thing ever!

The amount of Click Clacks I’ve seen tangled around telephone wires indicates clearly how dangerous this toy was. Either that, or the owners parents were doing it to get rid of them.

Definitely chemistry sets! How was I possibly allowed to “play” with this thing, unsupervised at the age of 8 or so?

I, too, was nearly decapitated by a lawn dart.

Uh, woodburning kit anyone?

My ex brother-in-law had a giant, tangled ball of click-clacks. It was the size of a basketball, and anyone who was bored would sit down and attempt to free a single set of click-clacks from the ball. I don’t remember anyone ever succeeding.

Remember those bow and arrow sets with the suction dart tip? How long did it take your older brother to figure out; that you could pull that tip off, and the sharpen the end with a pencil sharpener and go little brother hunting? :eek:

Battlestar Galactica spaceships from Mattel. So many children ate the missiles, causing injury and death, that Mattel had to recall and redesign the toys. This collection of papers regarding the controversy features a bizarre line in a lawsuit against Mattel: “the [spaceship] toy is shaped in such a fashion to be very similar to a penis which almost beckons small children to put it near their mouth…” Who filed this lawsuit, Sigmund Freud?

Holy mackerel, that’s weird.

Maybe Kirk Cameron. “See, dear? God designed it perfectly to put in you mouth.”

I know from experience that a Stretch Armstrong doll, when stretched across a room by two people, can snap back with ferocity when one person lets go. That hurt like hell.

Any kind of fireworks, really, but bottle rockets especially. I mean, who didn’t enjoy a good game of bottle rocket “tag” , holding glass Coke bottles to aim the rockets at your buddies?

We lit them at threw them at each other.

Wuss. We held them until they flew out of our hands.

Naw, we used the Black Cats for throwin’ at each other. Bottle rockets were for shootin’ at each other.

More than once I had a firecracker with a quick fuse go off in my hand, so watch who you’re calling a wimp!

:tosses lit M-80 at carnivorousplant:

Yeah, remember those? For years, kids would blow their fingers off and the parents went 'Meh, dumbass…:confused:

I remember many a finger singeing from the old Creepy Crawler sets. The only childhood toy I really miss.

When I was about 6 or 7 years old (around 1974) the kids who used to live upstairs had this game that was discontinued or recalled. The basic premise was that there was this arm on a spring that held a pie pan and it would pivot around the board and stop on someone and then “sproing!” release and hit someone in the face with a pie. Now, the makers of the game realized that you wouldn’t make pies all the time to play this game so they recommended you fill the pie tin with shaving cream in order to make it look like a pie.

Nuh uh. Mine were glass, and had the flying shards of death to prove it. Have you a cite that says otherwise? My recollection is that the acryllic version came later (probably after a series of lawsuits).

And Fetchund has mentioned my other most favorite most dangerous toy: Creepy Crawlers. (Hey, let’s give our 7-year-old an open hot plate to play with!)

Well, it was my high school graduation party, and there was a very small amount of beer involved.