Need a clever name for a weight loss challenge team

I need a clever name for a weight loss challenge team. There are four of us on the team. Any ideas?


How about a slogan: “Eschew the Fat!” Groan…

The Four Horsemen

You could all be “Famine.”

Diminishing Returns.

Dwindling Expectations.

Thinner than Your Team.

We have a store out here called “Food 4 Less”, so how about the “Less Food 4” ? (would only make sense if you have the store in your area)

You’ll be seeing less of us.

The Four Lossketeers? Oh dear, that’s terrible isn’t it?

“Born Losers”. You could all dress like the bikers in the Billy Jack movie…or like Billy Jack.

Big Fat Losers - not exactly politcally correct, but could be funny

Unrepentant Thinners

Lost Cause

The Ketoners.

The Second Dimension

The Vernal Bruins

Derek and the Domino’s Pizza.

Fat-Losers? :stuck_out_tongue:

The thinner Winners?

Drop It Like It’s Hot

Before (B-4)