The Last MMP of 2008 - What's your resolution?

I thought since I’d hosted the first MMP of 2008, it’s be kind of cool to host the last one as well - so here I am. Nothing specific in mind.
But since 2009 is mere days away, I thought it would be fitting to broach the topic of New Year’s Resolutions.
I used to try to be funny and say “This year, so as not to feel guilty when I break them, I resolve to make no resolutions at all . . . oops - broke it already”
Seriously though, I have taken steps to make some major, positive changes in my life. I will reveal more as I progress, suffice to say they’ve been a long time coming.

Now, about that restaurant. It’s called Green Melody and it’s a kosher vegetarian pan-Asian place. And it’s good. We shared veggie spare ribs that even had a “fat” layer, and cold sesame noodles - the noodles were spinach noodles. I had “Chicken” A-la- King but it was more akin to chicken with cashews in design and flavor. Instead of fried noodles to munch on before the meal, there was mildly spiced kimchie (or perhaps merely pickled cabbage) either way it was yummy. I fully intend to go back there, and soon.

Back to the thread. So, what are your resolutions? Hmmm?

I’m afraid to have one, because last year’s actually happened, and it was both quite liberating and also scary as hell – getting off of Social Security and being self-supporting. For that matter, it still scares me, though kind of in a good way.

That restaurant sounds really interesting. Yum.

I gave up on resolutions years ago. It didn’t take long to realize that all my good intentions of January would fizzle before February was over. But in the spirit of the OP:

I resolve to continue to be nice, dammit!


I have no resolutions

I resolve to take more naps and drink more wine

I need to start lifting weights again, for two reasons. One, I have the capability to become very, very strong. Two, I need to learn my own strength. I’ve hurt people unintentionally by hugging them (though not injured), and when I pick something up, I really have no idea how much it weighs if it requires some effort on my part. If it’s in that range, it could be anywhere from twenty to sixty pounds for all I know.

I try not to make resolutions because, A) I suck at keeping them, and B) I have next to no willpower, which is why I suck at keeping them. Thus, I will not call these resolutions, but rather, stern suggestions. To that end, I would like to,

A) Lose weight. I want to lose 40lbs. I’m not particularly worried about how fast I lose them, but I would like to lose them just the same. Preferably starting primarily with my diet, because gaining weight is a slippery slope: The more weight you gain, the harder it is to exercise. The harder it is to exercise, the less you want to do it. The less you do it, the more weight you tend to gain (without proper dietary changes), and so the cycle begins again. I figure if I can lose enough through diet alone I will regain enough energy to start exercising, thus climbing back up that slope.

B) Save money. Specifically, at least $20 out of every paycheque, so that next year we can do Christmas up right instead of doing it last minute like we do every damn year.

C) Pay for another year of the Dope. I know I technically don’t have to anymore, but I want to. I don’t want to be a guest!

C is no problem, been on the agenda for the last month. B I might have trouble with if money gets tight – and it usually does. My biggest problem with A is that I got into the habit of munching to the degree that it has practically become compulsive. Mostly at work, for some reason – probably stress-related; I don’t do it at home very often. I could just stop buying things to munch on, but then I start losing what little willpower I have when I’m at the supermarket and end up picking something up to snack on, going through the usual self-justifications.

I must try harder in 2009.

I think ‘vicious cycle’ is a somewhat more appropriate term for that, since it is a positive feedback loop; ‘slippery slope’ is a different thing entirely.

To complain less. Actually, I’m still thinking about what my resolutions are going to be, since I don’t make New Year’s resolutions often, but I really think I should complain less, in general.

It’s our six-year wedding anniversary. We’ve just drunk champagne and watched Prince Caspian, which was pretty different from the book version. Thinking about the story changes, in a kind of fuzzy way, because of the champagne. And Nat is complaining in the bedroom because he’s only been nursed once tonight, and No One Really Cares About Toddlers Around Here.

It’s very sad for him.

You are a harsh and cruel mother.:wink:

I haven’t really thought about it, except that I’m not promising to lose weight again this year. I’ll work on it in my own way, but not “announce” it.

I would like to continue to be a “nice person.” I like to give to the needy, it makes me feel good. I’ve been volunteering though my company, and I like the comraderie. I like to help people in stores, for example, when they can’t find stuff and I overhear. I bought some McDonald’s gift cards that I will give to the homeless guys begging on street corners.

I like Li-Li’s resolution. I shall complain less.

And I really need to respond more to you guys, instead of just posting about my life and acting like I don’t care about yours. I really do! It’s not that hard to pay a little bit of attention.

Thanks for being here for me, and for everyone who needs an ear or a shoulder.

You guys are great!

Oooh… full circle. That’s cool, rosie.

My resolutions are these:

  1. Go to the gym twice a week. I used to do this, but then I lost the habit two years ago and have gained nearly 15 lbs since then. Since I have no plans on cutting back on cheese, butter, chocolate or pastries, the gym is pretty much my only option for avoiding the dreaded 200lb milestone… so there’s my motivation. Besides, regular exercise is as necessary for my mental health as it is for my physical health.

  2. Learn to knit. I’ve already started looking up good Knitting 101 courses at local yarn shops, so I hope to have this one checked off well before spring rolls around.

  3. Learn to drive. I meant to do it last summer, but I was working such nutty hours that it didn’t seem like a good idea to pile on even more stress. That said, it’s getting a little embarassing to have to explain to all and sundry that yes, I’m 30 years old and I still don’t have a grasp on a skill as fundamental as driving.

  4. Be more sociable. The past couple of years have turned me quite antisocial, what with buying a house, bouts of insane overtime at work and 4 hr daily commutes for a year… this year, I shall resolve to spend less time at home, and more time out and about (no matter how little time I might have).

Congrats on 6 years, LiLi. I hope to get there someday too, but that’s a resolution for another year (I’m aiming for 4 this year).

My New Year’s resolution is to live through 2009.

I’m going in for an angioplasty at 9:00 AM. I know, it’s routine, I’ve assisted with dozens. The thing is, it isn’t routine for me to be the one lying down.

Hubby has been doing everything he can to keep my mind off it, but I’m still scared. Stupid, but unshakable.

When I post on Wednesday, all will be well.

Hi rosie! Thanks for hosting. Cool idea for an OP, too.

I’m logged in to do a moment of work and thought I’d stop by and wave hi. Haven’t even thought about resolutions yet because I’ve spent the last week surviving the niece and nephew whirlwinds and Mom visiting. We’ve been together for 10 days straight, except that niece stayed at her mom’s one night because she was sleeping poorly and had reached peak grumpiness levels.

I think my resolution will run toward being more organized and productive so that I’m less stressed overall. I hope. Seems to me that was my resolution last year.

I like LiLi’s resolution as well. Seems like I whine a lot more than I used to, especially at work. So maybe I’ll add that one to my list too.

Gotta finish getting work done so that I can crawl into bed. Have to get up at 6:30 or so because Mom needs to be at the airport around 8:00. It won’t take me too long to get ready, but Mom is…not fast.

Hugs to all and a belated Merry Christmas.

ETA: can’t believe I forgot to wish picu all the best with her angioplasty.


{{{picachu}}} You’re going to be fine–if you didn’t have some control issues you wouldn’t be in your line of work, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I need to get my activity level back up and stop letting this stupid knee dictate what I can and can’t do. I’m also going to be much more aggressive about getting some work done on the house–this means saving up so I have the cash to tackle stuff AND to budget time and effort as well. I’ve been putting too many things off and it’s time to get going before the place falls down around my ears! I’m also not going to flake off the garden this year–I totally blew it off last year and it sucked not having all those nice fresh veggies so this year there will be gardening… After that, we’ll see. It would be nice if Himself were to get to making enough that I only have to work part time so I could work on other stuff instead. Fingers crossed, I think that’s a pretty likely outcome.

Happy Anny, LiLi and LiLi Husband! flings confetti and truffles

{{picu}} I hope your angio is as dull and boring as Papa Tigs’ was a few years ago. And that, believe me, was dull and boring. No problems with anything. We still haven’t figured out why the doc ordered it in the first place.

Resolutions? A few; we shall see how keepable they are.

(1) Plan out next year’s Christmas list immediately, consisting of knitting projects for all and sundry (to keep $$ down, and also because I enjoy it), and then actually get the stuff knitted before Christmas.

(2) Buy no more yarn** unless (a) it is for a specific project for which I can find no even moderately substitutable yarn here amidst my far too large stash, or (b) it’s for a project that requires a certain specific yarn and no other will do.

(3) Get the (*&#$@& house cleared out and organized! Which I actually may be able to start on this week, unless through some miracle some work actually arrives on my doorstep. I’m afraid I may be out of luck with that, so may be stuck working on this one whether I want to or not.

***Please note: Sock yarn does not count as “stash.” It’s the permanent exception to the “no more yarn” rule. *

I resolve to lose those last eight pounds!

I resolve to finally lay it on the line to my husband. If things don’t change, I will leave.

Hmm, I don’t do resolutions, mainly because I start out with good intentions, but they seem to fall by the wayside.

However, I like Li-Li’s resolution about not complaining so much. Although I don’t complain much at home, rarely really, I have become a bit of a Negative Nelly at work and I don’t like it one little bit. I’m going to try and be better about that.

To be honest, I really open up to only one person at work, because we’re both in the same boat, and she uses me as a sounding board as well. I don’t think it’s good for either of us, so I’m going to ease back the throttle on it and just learn to try and accept what comes my way with regards to the myriad changes they’re imposing upon me.

picu, I hope the procedure is truly non-eventful.

Good OP idea rosie!

picu you are in my thoughts and prayers. {{{hugs}}}

I laid it on the line, he said, again, that things would change. They haven’t. I guess I am leaving him. I am a very sad and unhappy little grey duck.

I plan to recycle last year’s resolutions. Heck, they were barely even touched. Good for another year at least.

  1. eat more heathily
  2. more more - not the gym, just more every day moving around
  3. get organised.