"mark" jokes

My wife wants to give a gift, of sorts, to a friend.

I need “Mark” jokes - jokes using the name “Mark”.

For example:

What does a dog with a hairlip say?
“Mark, Mark, Mark!”

OK, OK, - I know, but “Cleft Palate” is too medical to be in a joke, don’t you think?

Anyway - got any?


Well - they’ve decided to bury him in Blonde jokes instead.

Dunno what’s going on - it’s a CS Center - they’re not normal there.

Thanks, Peter Morris.

If you want to go really geeky, just give him a proton . . . .

In case anyone was wondering, my joke was that a proton is composed of three quarks, and quarks are named for a line from James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake: “Three quarks for Muster Mark!”

I see…



If he’s a Mark then I imagine he’s a pretty easy target at the carnivals, huh?

I do not like this thread at all.

  • DMark

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs butt naked scooting across your carpet after taking a dump?
Or Mark.