Vomiting - need help fast.

I need to vomit up all the contents of my stomach. How do I do this?

I have tried:

Putting a finger down my throat - I can feel it, but it doesn’t wotk

Drinking soy - Doesn’t work

Eating several cloves of garlic - worked. But I didn’t get enough back up.

Got any ipecac? Also, paging Qadgop the Mercotan.

No, and I don’t know what it is. But thanks.

WTF? If you ingested poison or something else harmful, I suggest you call emergency services immediately.

Syrup of Ipecac will make you vomit (I think it’s OTC at any drugstore), but if you ingested something harmful you should be calling 911, not posting on the SDMB.


Fill a tumbler 3/4 full with lukewarm tap water. Mix several tablespoons of salt into it. Slam it down.

You’ll puke.

(I’m assuming you ate something that didn’t agree with you and are now nauseated. If anything else, dial emergency services)

What he said. Poison Control Center. Should be on Page 1 of your phone directory, under Emergency Numbers. Or call 911.

Danish Poison Hotline

(45) 82 12 12 12

Not poison. I swallowed an artificial cover of a tooth. And I want it back.

Well, wait a few days.

I don’t have a few days! It’s valentines tomorrow.

I can suggest some films and television shows that should make you blow chunks.

Is that certain, though? And doesn’t it disturb the water balance drastically if it doesn’t?

Hmm, I tried with one big table spoon of salt now. Not feeling anything yet.

I’ve always heard to put mustard powder and salt. If you can choke that down you’ve earned a good puke. Ipecac seems like the best option though…

I’m not 100% certain, but I would guess that 25+ minutes in, whatever you ate is beyond vomiting back up at this point.

I believe there was someone on the internet a couple of years ago who attempted to eat a tablespoon of cinnamon powder. He vomited quite quickly.

That’s why I need the answer fast!!11!one

Im giving it a go. Why not.

I’m surprised no one has suggested getting really really drunk.

Another sure fire way is to go to a public toilet, look for one that didn’t get flushed. Get your face right down near it. Now take deeeep breaths. Feel the thinkness of that air. It’s thick because its filled with particles.